Application of Ethics in Anthropological Analyses

The Application of Ethics in Anthropological Analyses

The application of ethics in anthropological analyses introduces various theories regarding the causalities and intentionality of the moral principles that govern human behavior in the individual and communal contexts. Applying the theories of ethical relativism and objectivism to the same situations reveals the strengths and weaknesses of these analytical perspectives.

The Case Against Ethical Relativism

Specifically, the case of Sea and the inhumane treatment that she received from her masters is one of the factors that makes the case against ethical relativism since, in this situation, its application not only justifies but also provides a cultural foundation for the behavior of Seba’s enslavers. Quite specifically, it constitutes what Pojman and Fieser (2017) refer to as “solipsism” and allows them to engage in the evidently abhorrent treatment of their slave. In this case, the application of ethical relativism would also mean that an external observer with a cultural background that has a keener understanding of moral principles would have no right to criticize their actions. Therefore, ethical relativism could only work to reinforce the idea that what Seba’s masters did to her was justifiable in their culture and thereby not open to criticism by external observers.

Evident Cultural Acceptance and Questionable Neighbor Interpretations

The variant of ethical relativism applied in this case would be cultural in nature since there is evident cultural acceptance given to the couple’s behavior. Additionally, the amount of screaming described in the case also calls to question the neighbors’ interpretations of the scene and acceptance of the couple’s behavior. However, the use of an objectivist perspective would allow them not only to challenge the couple’s actions but would also introduce the possibility of recourse for such inhumane behavior. The application of a blanket moral principle regarding what constitutes moral behavior would not be the intention of objectivist ethics; rather, it would highlight the need to consider not only the actions that the couple took but also their morality in relation to Seba’s suffering and lack of freedom. Using this approach, most of the behavior of Seba’s masters comes into question, which includes their decision to enslave her while their children went to school and did not receive the habitual beatings that she did. Therefore, objectivism trumps ethical relativism in this case and essentially lays bare the shortcomings of the relativist standpoint.

Considering the Conventional Variant of Ethical Relativism

Even as objectivism appears as the more effective means of ensuring the application of moral and ethical principles, in this case, one must also consider the fact that the conventional variant of ethical relativism justifies the couple’s behavior as culturally acceptable. Overall, this would also mean that the injustices suffered upon Seba are indicative of the attitudes that the society around her had regarding the enslavement of children. Moreover, there are clear indications of the application of a subjective standpoint on the part of Seba’s female master since she not only acquires Seba’s services through deceit but also fails to honor her promise to Seba’s grandmother. This act is another indication of the weaknesses inherent in relativist moral principles since in this case, the collective cultural acceptance of inhumane behavior also leads Seba’s female master to justify this lie even though it is not apparent that the same would apply if she had done it to a member of her culture. In this way, it becomes evident how the application of ethical relativism can lead to the justification of behaviors that other cultures consider as unacceptable, while objectivism would lead Seba’s masters and spectators to her inhumane treatment to question the morality of their actions regardless of social support for their behavior.


Pojman, L. P., " Fieser, J. (2017). Cengage Advantage Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong. Nelson Education.

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