About Political Events

I've always been someone who has rigorous principles and a strong opposing viewpoint on subjects like homosexual and lesbian solidarity. However, after assessing the political movement by dealing with the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community, I concluded that there is more to it than meets the eye. Patience is one of the qualities I've learnt to cultivate through the years (Varadan). I spoke with a gay man who described how upsetting it was to find that he did not have the rights that he believed he deserved. It becomes worse when he describes how his other states have LGBT rights but his state does not. The subject described however even came close to shifting from his state to another that offered for the rights. It was only through patience that he stayed along with his relatives until it as passed that there was a freedom to get married to anyone that a citizen felt they are connected. The other vital trait that I feel I have learned is accepting oneself and engaging casually even when ne has problems. It is undisputed that the LGBT are an oppressed group and when one perceives it practically, they would realize that it can be difficult to live a normal life. However, when I attended the event, some of those I interacted with described how they were oblivious they were in a city that promoted gay and lesbian relationships from the casual and courteous manner in which people would relate. I have since realized that even when one if faced with the most daunting of the situations they could even think, it is always critical that they the essence of living life by accepting oneself and the conditions that one was facing (Varadan).

The other group experience that was quite inspiring from the lessons learned was the experience interacting with people who are experiencing gender inequality. I used to think that people who were expressing their frustrations at the way nature had placed other people at an advantage over others as being as attention seekers. However, following the tour experience, I realized that there is more to learn from this group’s experiences. One primary virtue I developed from learning about women being the oppressed gender is that listening is central to an astute decision-making process. I learned that the governments tend to step back and listen because the process of advocating for rights requires that one listens to one’s expression because it was only by exercising this virtue that I was able to reason with the women. In fact, my research indicated that women in other parts of the world have been successful in getting their grievances addressed from the manner they would make people understand their issues (Harden). I have also learned to weigh issues based on the advantages and disadvantages that are pertinent because the issues that affect women in the US seem to be different compared to other parts of the world. I learned that while women in the US have managed to overcome domestic violence to some extent, they have put themselves in other risks. The idea was based on the finding that there is an 11 percent higher chance of a woman getting shot in the US than in other countries (Harden). The reality that unfolded from this result is that in the process of allowing for the freedom of women from domestic abuse, they end up losing morals and which increases their risk of getting not problems with the law than in other countries. I, therefore, intend to use this and other lessons to enlighten women on the advantages and disadvantages that are associated with gender equality.

Works Cited

Harden, Casey. “4 Lessons on Working for Women’s Equality on a Global Scale.” The Huffington Post (2016): n. pag. Web.

Varadan, Swami. “3 Lessons the LGBT Community Has Taught Me.” The Huffington Post (2016): n. pag. Web.

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