Web 3.0 Management Information System

Web 3.0 and its Impact on the Internet

Web 3.0, also known as the internet of things, is a third generation web service that will enable the establishment of an intelligent semantic web, according to the video. The computer is highly customized in this semantic web to the point that it can develop content without the assistance of a human (Bidgoli, 2016).

Machine-to-Machine Communication

Machine-to-machine communication will be simplified because computers will be able to understand information like people, generating and dispensing valuable content according to the user's needs. Web 3.0 is currently in development, and individuals can now engage with it. An example of web 3.0 is Tivo. Tivo is a digital video recorder that can access the web and read to the user what he wants based on his preference.

The Impact of Web 3.0 on Computing

The web 3.0 will have a great impact in the world of computing. It will be able to double the amount of information that is available on the internet hence increase the number of users of the internet significantly. It will also allow for hyper-connectivity which means that every machine will be interconnected to the internet. Currently, there are twice as many devices connected to the internet than people in the world and this is expected to increase in future. Under web 3.0, intelligent devices, clothes, fridges, and factories interact together without human intervention. This will revolutionize consumers market as the internet becomes the fundamental economic instrument. Consumers will depend entirely on the internet for their products and services. Businesses benefit from web 3.0 in numerous ways; social media marketing is one of the ways they are benefiting. Other businesses are making use of technologies such as Reuben rails, pythons, Django and Hadoop to scale their businesses massively through the internet by selling software as services rather than as products.

The Future of Machine-Computer Interaction

Therefore, the web 3.0 will have massive impact on how machine will interact with computers on the internet.


Bidgoli. (2016). Management Information System (6th ed.). ISBN.

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