The Thesis of the Documentary

In the documentary The Greater Good

The subject of vaccines is primarily controversial. It is without a doubt a tale of sorrow and bravery, terrible conflict and great advancement. The Forest Service Centennial Film frames the epic tale of the battle to control the nation's resources in the face of global change. From the timbered shoes of the Pacific Northwest to the marble halls of Washington, DC, controversy surrounds decisions about how people use their natural heritage. Whether it's accommodating the requirements of a growing population or safeguarding endangered species, the future of public lands is undoubtedly a constant struggle. Visionary foresters, such as Aldo Leopold and Gifford Pinchot, helped in shaping the debate for 100 years. The Forest Service's evolution is mainly defined by their journey to the "land ethic" idea from the resources "wise use." The part one (1864-1910) of the documentary talks about the fight for conservation. Part two (1911-1940), is about building the system. Subsequently, part three (1941-1970) and part four (1971-2005) explores the Boom and the Greatest Good respectively (Riccomini, 2016). This story is told from a broad perspectives variety, including participants, outside and inside the Forest Service as well as the historians.

Why the Nation and the Forests have been Impacted by the USDA

The forests and the nation have been impacted by the USDA due to several reasons. First, the USDA has been trying to bring to an end various activities which destroy the forests, hence, impact negatively on the nation. In 1973, the fire which was allowed to burn on the Fitz Creek later spread slowly to the bush and grass and subsequently to the not approved areas (Shaw, 2008). As a result, the firefighters were left in the unprecedented situation to put out the fire.

It is hard for one to imagine the controversy and the intense interest those wilderness blazes ignited in the nation and the Forest Service looking back from the perspective of nearly 45 years ago. For this reason, the USDA Forest Service steadfastly defends its commitment to suppressing all fires. According to Riccomini (2016), the primary role of this blanket policy is to put a lot of emphasis on the importance of fighting fires in the forests and the nation.

How the Nation and the Forests have been Impacted by the USDA

Presently, the nation and the forests experience a drastic reduction of fires than ever before. According to the USDA, all the foresters are required to go and fight every fire they hear of or see at once. Also, the USDA impacted the nation and the forests through the increased employment of fire lookout and patrols. Besides, there is an institution of a quick action strategy which aims primarily at controlling all the wildland fires. Again, the USDA impacted the nation and the forests as a result of the firefighters and smokejumpers' deployment who are skilled at parachuting into the areas close to the fire. Their main reason is to bring any fire under control (Shaw, 2008).


The thesis of The Greater Good documentary has been explored in the paper. Moreover, the epic story of the struggle is framed by The Forest Service Centennial Film to manage the resources of the nation amid the global change. The USDA used various mechanisms to impact the nation and forests. Practically, the main reason is to reduce the fires and other related activities to save forests.


Riccomini, D. (2016). Paths of Glory and the Tyranny of The Greater Good. Film-Philosophy, 20(2-3), 324-338.

Shaw, J. (2008). Benefits of a strategic national forest inventory to science and society: the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program. I forest - Bio Geosciences and Forestry, 1(1), 81-85.

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