The Role of Persuasive Communication in Academic Content

Persuasive Communication

Persuasive communication is a technique that people practice on a daily basis, with or without realizing. At one point or the other, people try to convince their friends, colleagues or even employers to consider their suggestions and ideas (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). In the past, I have encountered persuasive communications, though at different levels. First, I had an interpersonal persuasion with one of my close friends regarding how we were going to spend our weekend. It had been a while since I took part in any adventurous activity and I believed it was the best chance for us to have some time out. However, knowing how introvert she was, I expected her to turn me down. Even so, when I detailed to her some of the benefits of hiking in her mailbox, she could not resist but joined me for the walk.

Project Presentation

The other instance where I encountered persuasive communication was during my project presentation. I had an opportunity to deliver a PowerPoint narration on the importance of adhering to occupational safety and health regulations at the workplace. With a massive target of workers and students on internship programs, I had to stay objective throughout my presentation. My slides concluded with open-ended questions, which aimed at capturing the attention of the audience throughout the presentation (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016).

Effective Communication in Academic Content

Effective communication in academic content differs slightly with the two forms of persuasive communications described above. Unlike in professional and interpersonal communication, one needs both closed and open-ended questions to trigger students' thoughts on some issues (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). Persuasive academic content, which usually involves manuscripts and handouts from professors to students, should be not only detailed but also reliable, with well-supported statistics or credible sources.


Stiff, J. B., & Mongeau, P. A. (2016). Persuasive communication. New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

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