The Relationship Between Autism and Language Development

Children generally start developing language since they are born especially through play and relationships developed with other people. On the contrary, autistic children find it difficult to develop language as a result of the impaired relationship with the people around. Autism spectrum disorder refers to a range of developmental disorders that tend to affect communication, learning and behavior. The processes are generally slow for children with autism because they are more attracted to environmental sounds as opposed to the sounds of the people talking. Children with Asperger and high functioning autism on the other hand have extensive vocabulary. However, their social communication is hampered. The following research examined the relationship between autism and language development among children. The study hypothesizes that with special needs education and instructional learning, it is possible for autistic children to have better language skills and proper communication.


The researcher employed observational studies in order to examine the effectiveness of personalized instructions on the development of language among the participants. The study was conducted in a specialized education institution that rehabilitates autistic children in California between 2016 and 2017. Being an observational study, the researcher relied on data from the institution’s registry on the progress of the pupils. Fifteen participants were randomly selected. The research involved comparison of their language and communication skills before and after therapy. The data had been collected over the course of two years. Among the skills examined include reading skills, listening skills and social communication. Therefore the variables in the study included state of autism and communication skills. The method of data collection was primarily through observation based on both the data registry and the children’s communication skills.

Table 1: Tally Sheet

Skill Learnt


Number of Children

Improved Reading Skills



Improved listening skills

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Improved communication skills

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The study outcomes indicated a significant relationship between specialized instructions and therapy and improved communication skills among children with autism. Comparison of the data before and after the start of therapy indicated that the children recorded significant improvement in terms of concentration, social skills and general skills in communication. Among the therapy administered include speech-language therapy using various techniques. Speech-language therapy focused on addressing a wide range of challenges that affected the autistic children. Some o the children could not speak initially before therapy while others could not had difficulties using conversational speech as well a understanding the nuance of language. Therapy provided was designed to coordinate speech mechanisms especially on the social use of language. In the beginning of the program, the children were assessed by a pathologist for their verbal aptitude levels and associated challenges. After the assessment, goals are set depending on the exact needs of the children including mastering spoken language, learning verbal and nonverbal communication including the use of sign language and gestures. Therapy was given one-one and in groups.

Figure 1: Communication skills in relation to the level of speech-language therapy

The present study does not provide the complete analysis of the steps taken in undertaking the therapy sessions. However, the hypothesis of the study was fully supported by the outcomes. Future studies can be improved by increasing the number of participants as well as exploring the impact of various forms of therapies on speech improvement among the children with autism. Furthermore, tracking the lives of the children from an early age is important in order to understand the dynamics of the therapy.

Work Cited

Turkington, Carol and Ruth Anan. The encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders. New York : : Facts On File, 2007.

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