The Nature of Teenagers

Teenagers and Evolution

Teenagers are products of mutations, which occurred in earlier centuries. As the film notes, the human brain has evolved three times since creation, that is, about three million years ago and after 300,000 years ago. However, these two changes only added up about 50 percent of the size of the current brain. After around three to four hundred years later, the brain developed to its current size, which brings it to today's scale of around 1200-1400 ml ("The Nature of Things: Science, Wildlife and Technology"). Teenagers were the evolutionary solution to making this newly formed brain work to its full potential. This is why teenagers do not see limitations and barriers similar to the way the older humans perceive.

The Adaptive Mind of Teenagers

Questioning authority, taking risks, and breaking the mold are also features of an adaptive mind. The mind can overcome and get through life challenges while adapting to such challenges. However, an adolescent mind is far more adaptive than an adult brain since teenagers are usually driven to achieve things beyond imagination. The film also made it clear that common media stereotypes are wrong ("The Nature of Things: Science, Wildlife and Technology"). Many teenagers are not insecure, depressed, anxious, or having problems during their adolescent years. Teenagers envision fresh perspectives to old problems and challenge the supposed limits.

The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex

By examining the physical aspects of why teenagers behave in the way they do from a biological and psychological perspective, one can see that the activities of the prefrontal cortex are at their peak. This part is considered the most humane segment of the brain. It controls activities such as decision making, emotions, judgment, behavior, impulse, time travel (what occurred in the past, present, and future), and strategies. The prefrontal cortex associates human thoughts and emotions with objectives. Interestingly, the prefrontal cortex also builds a strong connection with the limbic brain to control impulses.

Works Cited

"The Nature of Things: Science, Wildlife and Technology". Cbc.Ca, 2018, Accessed 16 Sept 2018.

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