The Morally Relevant Stakeholders

The Morally Relevant Stakeholders

The morally relevant stakeholders are potential customers, company owners/stakeholders, company employees, member of the society, the media, suppliers, and the local the government or legal bodies concerned about the specific nature of the business.

Customers and Reputation

They are morally relevant because they have a significant influence on the operations conducted in the company's marketing department. Customers are after products that are morally manufactured and identify the reputation of the company based on the nature of advertisements.

Shareholders and Advertising

The shareholders or the owner of the company influence how the company advertises its products to ensure that the advertisements follow good morals and do not include the use of bad language that might discourage customers from purchasing the firm’s products.

Employees and Suppliers

The company employees and suppliers are morally relevant stakeholders because they influence the advertisement of the company’s products since they are part of the production process, therefore requiring advertisements to show their good work, but not making their services and suppliers irrelevant.

Society and Local Government

The society and local government bodies are morally relevant stakeholders, as they are influenced by the message communicated concerning the products put in the market. The advertisement's target customers affect how the members of society perceive about the particular company. Similarly, the media and local government are likely to demand the closure of the company once it realizes that it is using bad language to communicate to the potential customers or when the advertisements are immoral. The society and local government would require the company to be suspended because of the nature of the advertisement, whereby the target customers were gay and lesbian couples, who are not morally acceptable in many societies.

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