The Concept of Justification by Faith Through Grace

Justification by faith through grace is righteousness accomplished through the belief of Jesus Christ as the personal savior by all, Jewish or Gentiles. Rather than relying on law of God only, because individuals break His commandment every time hence have fallen short of God’s glory. These sins have tarnished human image preventing him from holiness. Since all have disobeyed God’s laws as ought to be, they need Jesus Christ for transformation into Lord’s image and glory (Vickers and Brian, 21). One’s faith does not earn God’s favor but salvation which promoted the work of Christ. Therefore, for one to be justified; needs Christ Jesus and the word of God connected with faith. Furthermore, justification is gained by doing what Christ did; though human faith is weak but redeemed by His death on the cross and basis for God’s righteous verdict.

According to the Old Testament Law’s, there are many ways which proved one as justified and provide points of difference with justification by grace. For instance, circumcision was seen as a source of one's faith. These led to circumcision of many Israelites; though it was criticized as a symbolic testimony of inward justification by faith especially during the time of Apostle Paul. Abraham was righteous by faith even before his circumcision hence referred to as the Father of faith. Also, in time of Moses justification was manifested through keeping the Ten Commandments. There are some nations like Israel which regard themselves as justified while Gentiles were considered unjustified by the law. This was disputed by Apostle Paul; Abraham was promised to be heir of the world through the righteousness of faith not through the Law. Justification by faith through grace considers everyone the same regardless of ancestry.     

In conclusion, for one to be saved must believe in Jesus Christ through faith and the gateway to God’s blessings; either Jews or Gentiles and keeping the law as was the case in the old statement is not enough.  

                                                             Work Cited

Vickers, Brian. Justification by Grace Through Faith: Finding Freedom from Legalism,             Lawlessness, Pride, and Despair. Phillipsburg, N.J: P " R Pub, 2013.

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