Teaching of Grammar

Like any other language, grammar entails a set of forms and rules that ought to be followed while the teaching process. Proper teaching of grammar results to acceptable usage. Therefore, there is a need for teaching grammar in the right manner. It is no doubt that express grammar enables improvement in language accuracy. It being an important element of communication, it guarantees its learners ease in listening, writing, and speech. This study focuses on the best aspect of grammar. Perfect aspect enables newcomers to link two events together. One of the events is of the previous whereas the other is present. It is formed by use of phrases like have, has, or had. There is a need for teaching grammar in the right manner. It is no doubt that explicit grammar enables improvement in language accuracy (Schwarz, 86). It being an important aspect of communication, it guarantees its learners ease in listening, writing, and speech. This study focuses on the perfect aspect of grammar. Perfect aspect enables learners to link two events together. One of the events is of the past whereas the other is present. It is formed by use of words like have, has, or had. There is a need for understanding for perfect aspect as it is commonly used in linking of events. For example, “History has remembered the kings and warriors because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.”

The teaching of grammar is of an advantage as it enables an understanding of the language. Learners end up becoming good speakers due to the larger communication contexts acquired from the learning exercise. Good speakers possess communication skills. When the communication is effective, there is efficient information relay. Students should master on how to structure sentences. This will be helpful even in their professions.

In conclusion, teaching grammar should not only focus on creating good listeners and speakers but also enable students to construct sentences in adherence to the governance of syntax (Larsen-Freeman, 268). Speech variation is dependent on the state of context. Emphasis on punctuation, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and prepositions will enable learners to be eloquent in their speaking and also be good sentence constructors (Schwarz, 86).

Works Cited

Larsen-Freeman, Diane. "Research into practice: Grammar learning and teaching." Language Teaching 48.2 (2015): 263-280.

Schwarz, Narcisa. "Methods of Teaching Grammar and Strategies of Learning Grammar." International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research 77 (2014): 86.

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