Problem Behavior: Why I Should Study More in College

P variables: P self-awareness1, P attitude2

E variables: E my college colleagues1, E influential people in society2

My problem behavior is why I should put more effort in my studies in college. Self-awareness has significantly contributed to my studying efforts. The subjective awareness of an individual is referred to as Consciousness. Consciousness (Ch 5) is one of most essential experiences of human nature (Nolen-Hoeksema 206). I coherently recognize the consequences of working hard. This recognition has helped me to explore broad concepts while in college to improve my skills and knowledge. I have positive attitude towards hard work. I always have perception (Ch 5) that through working hard I will be able to realize my academic goals, as well as my career objective. As a result of positive attitude, I have relentlessly dedicated considerable amount of time in solving challenging assignments.

Several studies have found that nature (Ch 1) plays an important role in shaping our behaviors. Operant conditioning (Ch 7) theory states that learning takes place through reinforcement and punishment (Nolen-Hoeksema 329). Reinforcement and punishment

(Ch 7) form the pillar of my desire to study more. Most of my colleagues who put extra efforts in their studies receive huge praise from our tutors. In addition, they are awarded with expensive gifts at the end of each academic term. The desire to win awards and get recommendations from my lecturers motivates me to work hard. Theory of social learning by Albert Bandura has been instrumental in shaping my behavior of studying more. According to Bandura, children learn by observing behaviors of others (Nolen-Hoeksema 356). Most influential people in my society have acquired that status because of hard work. The most fascinating thing is that these role models have amassed a lot of wealth and work in some of highest-paying firms. I am focused to follow their footsteps by studying more while in college.

In conclusion, nature and nurture

(Ch 1) have played significant role in supporting my behavior of studying more in college. I strongly believe hard work will help me become a responsible and productive person in society.

Work Cited

Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, et al. Introduction to psychology. Cengage Learning, 2014.

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