Principles of Success



Professional Format and Style

“How you do anything is how you'll do everything," is a quote that says a lot about the business world. In everything that you do, your effort is a very important principle to achieve success. People usually put more energy to problems that seem to have a significant weight while they would neglect issues that appear simple or have insignificant weight (Hodges and Cady p. 306). If one wants to achieve success, then he or she has to put same energy on everything that counts to being successful be it simple or complex.

According to Eker, the way we do anything is how we do everything. This means that if there are somethings that are taken for granted then everything is taken for granted, if anything is done with keenness and effort then it is likely that everything is done with the much attempt and keenness (Hodges and Cady p. 308). There is a need for everything to be carried out professionally and using a style that is required, doing this will ensure that the business is carried out professionally, this will ensure that the business is thriving.

Format matters

Format matters in a professional environment, following a stipulated format will ensure that work the atmosphere is carried out in an orderly and organized manner. Staff and other people will be able to know how things are done (Hodges and Cady p. 301). If no particular format is followed in a professional environment, there will be no order. Confusions will arise, and miscommunication will be commonplace leading to poor performance of the organization. The format is one of the things that is done to show that the rest of the formalities in the firm are professionally done.

Works Cited

Hodges, Thomas E., and JoAnn Cady. "Blended-format professional development and the emergence of communities of practice." Mathematics Education Research Journal 25.2 (2013): 299-316.

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