Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

One of the most influential works on moral principles

Marcus Aurelius' thoughts emphasize the importance of character for internal harmony rather than amusement, guiding and encouraging the essential challenges of human progress (Marcus 2). He can pick up good personal values and temperament management skills from his grandfather. Since his father and grandfather were the two people he relied on while growing up, he is also able to understand how to be modest and develop that masculine demeanor through their character and memories, making this an honest reflection (Marcus 2). Therefore, the way his grandpa handled his temper influenced Marcus directly on how to get about his disposition when annoyed by people or an event. The father's role in the family predisposed the author unswervingly as he meditated the masculine character and learnt how to moderate individuals. However, the role models could easily influence him negatively in case they could handle some particular issues in a manner that was morally wrong.

The author learns from the governor

The author learns from the governor to be demanding less, not to infringe into other peoples' matters, persevere during work, not to listen to defamation remarks and work hard. We find this to be valid since the day to day administrative activities the governor was handling forced him to come up with appropriate ways to address them. The party politics influenced Marcus not to be choosy given that it was also the governor's principle. The scandalous remarks that came from those who disliked the authority gave the author a chance to endure and not give it much attention, but always to remain focused. While serving people, he had an opportunity to learn that he had to give much to citizenry and expect less from them. He meditates from Rusticus and realizes that his personality required enhancement and self-restraint (Marcus 2). He also argues that he learns to write objectively, to be humble, not to be philanthropic for show off and to dress up properly, thus, he was impacted positively (Marcus 2). Improvement of character is basic because of the mistakes one commits unknowingly. The enhancements ensured restraint and doing the utmost best to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Simple and objective writing is crucial to enable easy comprehension of factual matters, thus, ensuring that the public is not misled. Benevolent actions should not be for show off, but for genuine help of the ones in need. Proper dress code for various occasions is appropriate since every event is unique and demands a specific style.

The author learns to speak his mind freely, but with reason

The author learns to speak his mind freely, but with reason (Marcus 5). Also, he learns to be resolute in various situations of life, illness and death of a child. For instance, Apollonius taught him how to get aid from his allies and appreciating them. The freedom of expression is important to allow him to get out his voice of reason for others to listen and critique. Thus, it was important for him to be courageous when faced with unpredictable life situations. It builds him not to be saddened so much, but focus on collecting the pieces and forging on. Help from friends is beneficial since it allowed him to be accommodative of the rest, not solely being self-reliant.

After adoption, Marcus learns from his foster father

After adoption, Marcus learns from his foster father to give man what is due to him. He learns to be vigilant in all matters pertaining to government and be prudent in spending. In addition, the author acquires the essence of personal health and not to be envious. The meditation points out the need for fairness by ensuring that everyone gets what he or she has worked for. It can be pointed out that the smooth running of government activities is important to ensure that critical operations and services do not come to a halt. However, it is hard to realize this without government resources being spent appropriately. Personal health is emphasized to avert possible body conditions that may hinder one's activeness. A key point for others to thrive in their various specialization areas is to be kind and allow others the space to carry out their activities. The selfish belief of Marcus' foster father does not go well in creating a positive impact since he puts his interests ahead.

Truthfulness and love is a virtue that Marcus acquires

Truthfulness and love are virtues that Marcus acquires (Marcus 15). He learns the idea of a state where there is freedom of expression and proportionate rights. Evidently, it is essential to be open and authentic to people. The act of respect and tenderness is a legitimate lesson as it gives friends and relatives a sense of optimism. Marcus learns that a government needs to be self-reliant. He goes on to highlight how he learned to achieve whatever is expected of him without whining. Through Maximus, he also learns the need to always be prepared to grant pardon. This aspect is critical to Marcus since it gives him the information a government needs to run its operations with a self-supporting mind. In fact, it benefits him to avoid the influence of external forces. When one commits a mistake, the willingness to forgive plays a role. Moreover, the author learns to avoid pointing out faults in his fellows, instead, show them what is required explicitly. The argument is true in the sense that it allows people to live together in harmony and without conflict. People learn to correct others politely and show them the best way to do something and avoid trouble. However, a deficiency is observed in the perspective that some faults committed are deliberate, and some people dislike being guided on how best to carry out a process. The author Marcus meditates that family is crucial above all. He admits that he owes them much, thus, demonstrating the importance of relatives around us. They are the ones who take responsibility for children by imparting knowledge of living without the desire to demand what they cannot manage.

Work Cited

Marcus, Aurelius. Meditations. New York: Dover, 1997. Inc. print.

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