Letter of Appeal

In reaction to your college's decision on my re-admission case, I would like to appeal the decisions that prevent my resumption in a college for a bachelor's degree program. I am committed, hardworking, and visionary about resuming the studies that I had put on hold ten years ago. My life has improved dramatically since then. I am now well educated for research, objective about my professional interests, and financially prepared to complete the course successfully and with good grades. In addition, I have grown in my sense of duty, discipline, morals, empathy for others, and resilience in the face of social challenges. It is the lack of these important values that lead to the discontinuation of my college education.
Currently, I work as a teacher’s assistant in a public school for children with special needs. I can confess that I love my job and I have developed strong attachments to my students for the three years I have been here. I have developed a passion, and a strong sense of commitment to working with early childhood students with special needs and my goal becomes a qualified teacher in a special education institution. However, my desires for promotion to a position with more responsibilities, higher pay, and opportunities for a social responsibility are impossible because I lack education qualifications ("Become a Special Education Teacher – Careers” 2). It is for this reason that I want to join the college for a bachelor’s degree.
I believe it is only by resuming my education that I can achieve my career and social responsibility goals. Also, it will help reach a wider population of a student with special needs through writing, counseling and engaging in humanitarian projects. For this reason, I am determined and ready to go any depth to achieve it.
Kindly reconsider both my application and sincere appeal and reinstate my ability to study. Given this chance, I will work hard, be disciplined, and constructively interactive. I will continue supporting these students during my leisure hours to ensure I keep my attachment to them and stay motivated. I choose to remain positive as I wait for your reply. Thanks in advance.

Works Cited
"Become A Special Education Teacher - Careers." Bigfuture.Collegeboard.Org, 2017, https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/careers/education-museum-work-library-science-special-education-teachers.

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