Healthcare - A Complex Global Research Interest

The development of technology and healthcare

The development of technology has led to the creation of more in-depth knowledge about human structure. Although the quality of healthcare has greatly improved over the past few years, the mortality rates around the world show that there is still work to be done in this area. Population growth has increased the demand on medical resources and facilities, causing hospital overcrowding that increases risks to the healthy. It is for this reason that international study, particularly in telehealth, is essential. One of the disciplinary perspectives that may be helpful in research in relation to the health care problem is leadership (Frodeman, Klein, & Pacheco, 2017). The medical team greatly relies on the vision and direction from the management with positive leadership which promotes the atmosphere of trust and ensuring availability of necessary resources. Besides leadership, personal centered practice is necessary since it ensures a coordinated and a well-integrated healthcare that will be focused on the patient's needs through the reduction in delays and provision of proper healthcare services and the duplication of the assessment. Thirdly, communication across care providers, the patients, and other disciplines is also of great importance (Frodeman, Klein, & Pacheco, 2017). Employment of Telehealth will minimize the physical appearance of the patients at the hospital since they can be monitored at home and prescription be stated for them. Communication will also ensure genuine collaboration and sharing of clinical documents.


In summary, there is need to address the global healthcare especially through the inclusion of technology which will reduce the cost of medical services immensely (Frodeman, Klein, & Pacheco, 2017). High mortality rates in some regions require the intervention of the health care to minimize loss of life through circumstances that could otherwise have been avoided.


Frodeman, R., Klein, J. T., & Pacheco, R. C. D. S. (Eds.).(2017). The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity. Oxford University Press.

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