In a world where every society is becoming culturally diverse, there is a need for social workers to become culturally sensitive. In the US, a census has shown that the ethnic and racial makeup of the individual states has been increasing tremendously over the years. According to the Federation of...
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Contemplating My Childhood Dreams Contemplating back on my childhood life, I always had great thoughts. I would imagine being a lawyer, a doctor, a nurse, or even become the first female president of America. But, I have not ever deliberated a career in social work. I have realized over the years...
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Also known as hospital social work Medical social work is a sub-discipline of social work specializing in inpatient medical and public health. For an entry-level position as a medical social worker, one requires a bachelor degree in social work. Additionally, there are other positions that require an individual to hold a...
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Empathy and Sympathy Empathy is the ability to identify other people's emotional states and try to put you in their shoes by attempting to understand their perspective and the truth (Peach 764). On the contrary, sympathy is the act of feeling for the client; this implies that the clinician feels sorry...
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The Task-Centered Approach The task-centered approach simply means a goal-oriented and progressive approach to social work advancement. It consists of a practice-based strategy based on significant research whose findings are utilized in many scopes of social action aiming at eradicating some of the difficulties encountered by societal members (Corrullo 2013, p.17)....
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Social work calls for ethical principles to maximize the benefits that it strives to provide to those vulnerable and marginalized within society to enhance well-being and support in the provision of basic needs to everyone. Professional ethics, which is integral to social work, is central to and guide these principles....
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