The Pioneers of Play

Play is a detrimental aspect in children’s life. It dates back to many centuries back, where different philosophers tried to incorporate this aspect for kindergarten children. Today, they have been recognized as the pioneers of play. For instance, Lev Vygotsky, Friedrich Froebel, and Jean Jacques Rosseau are among the notable...

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Role of Play in Early Childhood Education

Many individuals have thoroughly researched the role of play in the early childhood classroom. Besides enjoying the play, children also benefit from it in numerous ways and hence the importance of play. In the education world, the play might seem a vague term because of the unclear definition mainly when...

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The Use of Anecdotal Evidence and Testimonies from Experts to Develop the Argument

“Can a Playground Be Too Safe?” is an essay written by John Tierney and published in the New York Times on 18/7/2011. The essays highlight the benefits associated with tall jungle gyms and tall slides like facilitating the emotional development, enabling children to overcome fears, being adventurous and thrilling especially...

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A Doll's House and Trifles

Throughout history, one of the most important social issues is the movement for female rights. In most culture, there was unequal treatment between women and men. Women expect only to stay home and let the men support and provide them. The famous plays whose discussion revolve around female and male...

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Analysis of Drama as a Social Commentary

Analysis of Drama as a Social Commentary Over the recent years, there has been a wide approval of drama as a critical tool for social commentary. Drama contains elements that mirror the society and life in general thus, apart from entertainment, drama informs and educates. Many playwrights utilize this powerful feature...

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Pages: 9

The Character of Troy Maxon in August Wilson's Fences

Fences: An Analysis of the Character Troy Maxon Fences is a short play of about ten minutes written by American playwright August Wilson. Set in the late 50s, the play talks about themes such as race, relationships, and issues of trust. All these themes and others are brought to the fore...

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The Elaborate Entry of Chad Deity

The "Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity" The "Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity" is an extremely hilarious and resonant play that was scripted by Kristoffer Diaz in 2009, although it made its debut in the production industry three years later. It was first performed in one of the most memorable productions at...

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Analysis of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

The play, “A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens is an exciting piece of art about Scrooge, an old selfish and lonely man who holds Christmas festivities in low regard. Jacob Marley, Scrooge’s former business associate, has been dead for seven years. The two pals had established themselves as loan sharks...

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Pages: 4

Character Analysis in The Tragedy of Errors

The Plot The plot is the first element of drama, and it represents the events of the drama. The plot reveals the journey, quest and the desires of the characters and keeps the audience engaged in the entire play. The plot helps to build the relationships and develop trust with the...

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Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca

by Federico García Lorca is one of the most fast-paced, thrilling and fascinating play. It is actually his most popular play. Motivated by a real story of a deadly dispute between two families in Almeria province, in countryside of Spain, Blood wedding is an inspiring play.  It is about pleasure...

Words: 1959

Pages: 8

Cynthia, Thespian

Theater reflects and influences the society in various ways. One significant way, through which theater reflects the community, is by showing the challenges facing a changing society. Changes can be inevitable from time to time. A society like Reading, where most of the people have been depending on their work...

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Pages: 2

The Relationship Between Play and Games

Play is the theoretical form of learning where ideologies restrict one’s behavior and identity. Play is usually perceived to be a deviation from a commitment to social relationships (Landreth, 2011). The society labels play in adulthood while play associates with happiness in childhood.  Researchers analyze play beyond the specifications of...

Words: 1747

Pages: 7

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