Essays on Parenting

The World's Worst Mom

In 2008 Lenore Skenazy, let her son find her way back home using the subway alone and, she later wrote the story in a newspaper column which dubbed her the title “America’s Worst Mom.” She had given her son some quarters and some money in case of emergencies, and she...

Words: 301

Pages: 2

Parenting Styles

Parenting styles are diverse and based on cultures contexts and temperaments (Cook " Cook, 2014). Some parenting styles are troubling necessitating the licensing of some parents. Some individuals have taken the aspect so seriously stating that parenting is a responsibility towards the children and a privilege but not a right...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

The Role of Characterization in Child Development

Pocahontas is an animated film. The aspect of child development is evident in theories like cognitive developmental, ecological systems, psychosocial, psychoanalytic, sociocultural, and social learning theories. These theories are well blended into the theme of the film to shape the perspective of a child as the target audience. Characterization introduces...

Words: 1450

Pages: 6

Mobile and Internet Use and the Decline in Parenting

In the current society, children are raised in a technological world. Having a mobile phone and means to access internet has become a ‘basic ‘need for most children especially in adolescent years. Parents are sometimes out of options and compelled to buy and allow access to mobile devices and internet....

Words: 1807

Pages: 7

Effective Management of Children in Church

Effective Management of Children during Church Service Effective management of children during a church service is very important and it should be carried out by individuals assigned that responsibility by the church but more specifically by the parents. Every worshipping day, the worshippers in the church experience a lot of disruption...

Words: 541

Pages: 2

Children from Two Different Cultures

While raising kids bi-culturally allows them many positives, this way of bringing them up also subjects them to many issues. Millions of Americans are first or second generation people. Children who are raised by parents that are foreigners often find themselves hanging between two cultures; that of their parents and...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

The Role of Managing Children’s Behavior

The Role of Managing Children's Behavior The role of managing children’s behavior is one of the biggest dilemmas encountered by parents today. There are various ways of improving children’s behavior, including positive reinforcement, taking away privileges, time-out, and physical punishment. Physical punishment is a way of disciplining children by causing them...

Words: 624

Pages: 3

Strict Parenting

Strict parents do not give room for negotiation with their children.Once they have decided on something it is done. Imagine the beginning of summer vacation, you miss one curfew and the rest of your summer you are punished and cannot leave your house. Being teenagers we have absolutely no clue...

Words: 1796

Pages: 7

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Parenting

Effects of Growing Up in a Single Parent Family What are the effects of growing up in a single parent family? The nuclear or two-parent family has been the most dominant family structure throughout America's history. Waldfogel, Craigie, and Brooks-Gunn point out that "the vast majority of American children were born...

Words: 1329

Pages: 5

The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on Teenagers and Their Families

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy can be a complex philosophical issue affecting the young mother, family and friends. Teenage pregnancy can be defined as a period between the ages of 13-19 when a teenager gets pregnant. There are numerous complications associated with teen pregnancy which affect both the mother and...

Words: 934

Pages: 4

The Difference Between Discipline and Abuse

Difference Between Healthy Discipline and Child Abuse? Before we go about establishing the difference between discipline and abuse, it is important that we define these two terms: Discipline: To make people obey rules through punishment or reward and make them follow a set of rules. Abuse: To treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or...

Words: 1102

Pages: 5

How to Raise Successful Kids Without Over Parenting

The speaker in the talk is a woman called Julie Lythcott-Haims, and the talk is being held in New York. The talk is in a psychological perspective on the topic of How to raise successful kids without over parenting. The theme of the talks is that parents should not be...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6

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