Essays on Overpopulation

Burkina Faso

We are distinct as a species because of our diversity. The latter is the best description of a scenario in which two elements are not of the same kind. They may have the same physical features, but they re not the same in other ways. The human population is no exception....

Words: 1408

Pages: 6

low fat diets are healthy- a diet myth

We are more than ever bewildered by the basic question of which food to eat. Most medical professionals are out there to advise people on what to eat in the wake of the global obesity crisis – which is getting worse every day. Health misconceptions are interesting since people are...

Words: 1157

Pages: 5

Controversy of Nestle Water

Water in most parts of the world has become a scarce resource with an increasing population. In this scenario, some companies have taken the initiative not only to generate profit but also to provide the affected community with clean water or people who need clean water for beverages and other...

Words: 2244

Pages: 9

Texas and the Growth of Population

Texas Population Growth: Blessing and Curse Texas is in population and square kilometers the second largest state in the USA. There are nearly 28 million people of the United States. It is in the southern part of USA, on the east side of Louisiana, and on the north side of Arkansas...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

Confidence interval refers to an approach in statistics

Confident interval is an approach in statistics that offers some predetermined assurance that measurements of a population can be obtained. Its description is mainly based on limit errors. Some of the intervals that have been used include 99%, 95% and 90%. The 95 percent trust is primarily used for several...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

Cultural effects of consumerism

Consumerism is the human mentality that allows people to buy and purchase goods in order to keep the economy running (Apecsadmin). In a consumerist world, there are more advertisements and competitive pricing aimed at making people buy more goods and creating inexistent demand. The current pace of resource use is...

Words: 2088

Pages: 8

Parking problems in the university

The Growing Problem of Parking in Campuses and Universities The population of campuses and universities is on the increase with each passing semester. These figures suggest that parking is inefficient and the level rises per semester. Parking is one of the biggest deficiencies that universities all over the world are facing....

Words: 1240

Pages: 5

Incarceration in the United States

The United States has the highest prison rate in the world The United States has the highest prison rate in the world. Despite a consistent increase in the number of incarcerations around the world, the inmate population in the United States is around 500 inmates per 100,000 people. This is...

Words: 953

Pages: 4

why junk food is so popular

Junk Food Junk food is eaten by a significant proportion of the global population, and the figure is growing as the global population increases. The growth in the urban population has necessitated the manufacture of fast foods. This is the basic justification for fast food restaurants. In fact, this market niche...

Words: 1130

Pages: 5

The Impacts of pollution on Animal Extinction

Pollution and its Impact on Wildlife Pollution has over the years emerged as one of the approaches through which people have prompted extreme alterations and extinction of animals, precise wildlife and their habitat. Human beings have considered the air, water, and soil surrounding them as waste repositories and have paid little...

Words: 1282

Pages: 5

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