A microscopic organism, typically a bacterium, virus, or fungus, is what is referred to as a microorganism or microbe. They were uncovered by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 1670s and have given scientists a wealth of knowledge about the microscopic world, which has not yet been thoroughly explored. A precise...
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Organisms without a cell nucleus or membrane-bound organelles are referred to as prokaryotes. Although some are multicellular, they are primarily unicellular. Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have been segmented by the cytoskeleton and internal membranes into intricate structures. Since prokaryotes derive their name from their nucleus, it is the most...
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A class of eukaryotic aquatic creatures known as algae. They fall in between the two. They combine traits from both plants and animals. They resemble protozoa and fungi, which suggests that they are linked to animals. They share a connection with plants since they can perform photosynthesis. Other characteristics of...
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Pathogenic microorganisms and infectious diseases Pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungus, propagate infectious diseases. They can spread from one person to another either directly or indirectly. The HIV/AIDS infection, which is primarily spread through sexual contact with infected people, is one of the infectious diseases that are of...
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The Theme for Comparison and Contrast: Cell Division in Prokaryotes and EukaryotesThe theme for comparison and contrast is cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The subject has been chosen since living microorganisms are diverse and complex, and it is critical to brainstorm on the basic functional unit of life to...
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Microorganisms and Extremophiles Microorganisms are organisms that are modified to survive perfectly even in extreme conditions, and they are called extremophiles. The word, extremophile, is used to describe a microorganism that can survive extreme conditions of temperature, pH level, and foreign solute concentrations that are beyond the range that occur on...
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The Investigation of Microorganisms The investigation of microorganisms is a crucial step in determining their biological components. When carried out in a laboratory, such an experiment becomes feasible. The purpose of such an investigation is to conduct all experiments involving students' Body Mass Index (BMI). Conducting a study like this is...
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The aim of this paper is to explore the microorganisms that cause gingivitis. The introduction to the essay is presented in the article. It explains the definition of Gingivitis, the signs and effects of the condition, how the illness affects patients, how physicians diagnose it, and some of the diseases...
Words: 2912
Pages: 11
My personal Definition of Biomimicry- It is a growing and emerging self-discipline involving keen observation of million genius microorganisms inside the ecosystem and nature environs, thereby deciphering brilliant format advices from them important in solving most of our day by day involvements efficiently and skillfully. In short it refers to...
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