Essays on Literary Genres

The poem I, Too vy Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes' poem I, Too has been quoted and referenced by many scholars not only in American literature but also in other literary disciplines. The title of the poem causes a lot of worry among those who read it, and the author primarily relates African American history from time immemorial...

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Pages: 6

Inferno by Dante and Paradise Lost by John Milton

Dante's novel "Inferno" and John Milton's epic "Paradise Lost" both contain themes about sin, Satan, and the biblical hell. Notwithstanding the disparities in chronology, the two authors' approaches to viewing and criticizing the concept of sin are extremely similar. A critical examination, on the other hand, exposes a few discrepancies...

Words: 1396

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The novel “The Squatter and the Don”

Mara Ruiz de Burton's novel "The Squatter and the Don" Mara Ruiz de Burton's novel "The Squatter and the Don" is based on a true event about Spanish squatters and a Hispanic settler named Don Mariano who lived in San Diego County. Don is wealthy and appears to have more influence...

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Pages: 4

Analysis of Social Class Conflict in the Novel, Persepolis

Introduction Marjane Satrapi's novel Persepolis examines a number of subjects in an Iranian context. The author's topics describe how life changed following the colonial period and how the Islamic revolution stripped the country of its cultural legacy. Satrapi, a forthright westerner who protested against the harsh regime, presented a negative description...

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How is Frankenstein both a Romantic and Gothic Horror Novel?

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: A Combination of Gothic and Romantic Elements Mary Wollencroft Shelley is one example of a Gothic and Romanticism author. Most romantic and Gothic horror novels share many qualities because they affect each other in some way. Because the author mixes both romance and gothic horror in her plot,...

Words: 1568

Pages: 6

The article Character of Circle in the Odyssey

McClymont, J.D., from the University of Zimbabwe, wrote the article Character of Circle in the Odyssey. The Circle is an important character in Homer's poem Odyssey, serving as a heroic figure dreaded by men. As we can see from Perkin's Discourse, she is doing ordinary witchcraft by transforming humans into...

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Passivity in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro has the character Kathy, who is defined as kind, a donor, and someone who provides life. The book begins by introducing the narrator, Kathy, a caregiver who spends her days traveling from one recovery clinic to the...

Words: 1221

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1818 novel Frankenstein

Numerous authors have criticized Mary Shelley's 1818 novel "Frankenstein" over the years. To develop their argument, the authors base their thoughts on the storyline of the story and the characters, but others base their ideas on Mary Shelley's life and experiences, believing that this inspired her imagination and the plot of...

Words: 974

Pages: 4

Analysis of Hyperbole in The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd

Raleigh's Use of Hyperbole in His Poetry Raleigh exploits hyperbole in his poetry, which draws the reader in. Understanding why Raleigh used hyperbole requires reading Raleigh's poetry. In this poetry, the shepherd proposes to his beloved bride and depicts how their future will be impossible if they live together. The Shepherd...

Words: 299

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The social setting in George Elliot’s novel

Religious organizations, cultural practices, economic activities, cultural milieus, and social interactions all shape an individual's life in George Elliot's novel. "A Study of Provincial Life," one of the novel's subtitles, completely extends the issue of relationships by elucidating provincial life in England around the 1830s (Lencse 17). Elliot discusses the...

Words: 2772

Pages: 11

The Wasteland Poem Analysis

Poetry is becoming one of the most popular kinds of art in the world. Poetry, in general, employs rhythmic and aesthetic language properties such as symbolism and phonaesthetics (Banerjee 12). Poetry is thought to have evolved at the time of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. The primary goal of this...

Words: 1362

Pages: 5

How do we definitely know what is not poetry?

Poetry is commonly described to as literature with particular characteristics that distinguish it in its presentation both visually and aurally. Aesthetic and rhythmic elements ensure that the poetry dictation has a well-organized framework. Besides from providing a notable auditory essence, such traits facilitate a variety of meanings. Poetry has a...

Words: 764

Pages: 3

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