Essays on Literary Genres

“The New World” - Pocahontas

In his British-American movie "The New World," Terrence Malick depicts the establishment of the Virginia colony. Pocahontas seems to be at the center of the two civilizations as Terrence Malick attempts to picture how two civilizations meet and attempt to relate to one another because she is adored by all....

Words: 1443

Pages: 6

Existentialism and “Notes from the Underground”

Existentialism in Notes from the Underground Existentialism is a philosophical idea that holds that each individual is ultimately accountable for their existence. According to this theory, people spend their entire lives trying to find and alter their essence. Because they possess free will, humans use their decisions to define...

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Emily Dickinson

The majority of academics concur that poetry explores the aspects of human nature that reflect the fundamental truths about nature and humankind. As a tool, poetry imagines humanity's truth and reality from a different angle than how other writers see and imagine humanity. Poetry, unlike other forms of art, has...

Words: 2221

Pages: 9


The novel "Beloved" is set in the Ohio metropolis of Cincinnati and starts in the year 1873. Denver, Sethe's 18-year-old daughter, and Sethe, a former slave, have been living together in the book. Baby Suggs, Sethe's mother-in-law, had resided with the couple until her death. (McCluskey et al. 55). Importantly,...

Words: 1639

Pages: 6

The Influence of Fitzgerald’s life on The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise

According to legend American author Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald personified the Jazz Age in its most authentic state. He was renowned for documenting both the positive and negative elements of the time he lived in. One might question how F. Scott Fitzgerald's life, which was very interesting and colorful, affected two...

Words: 1276

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The House on Mango Street

In 1983, Sandra Cisneros released her collection of short stories titled The House on Mango Street Esperanza, a young woman who writes in the first person, shares her adventures during her first year of living in a home on Mango Street. Esperanza gives a description of her new home, her routine,...

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“We the Living”

Since We the Living is based on the author s experiences under Soviet control, it can be considered an autobiography. The details of the revolution are revealed, along with information on the communist regime s control, terror, subpar living conditions, and numerous other issues of the period. The timeline of...

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A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

Hemingway's story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Hemingway's story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is arguably one of his best. It demonstrates his distinctive writing methods. The tale is a perfect illustration of an initiation story, a short story that centers on the main character learning something new that he had never heard...

Words: 1472

Pages: 6

An essay about poem

The rhyme pattern for the poem s stanzas and lines is ABAB, BCCB, CBB, and BBD. Using this method, the poet has been able to convey his thoughts and emotions in a rhythmic manner that takes into account the grouping, placement, and length of lines. In order to distinguish between...

Words: 281

Pages: 2

Emerson's Self-Reliance

The Meaning of Self-Reliance one who wrote it The Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a renowned and esteemed philosopher of his day, is a book that speaks volumes about the meaning of a person as an autonomous being and the only decision-maker of his or her life. Emerson establishes a self-contained...

Words: 1648

Pages: 6

Beowulf Hero of the Geats - Summary

Introduction As the pinnacle of Old English literature and the most well-known heroic poetry in European vernacular, Beowulf is a heroic poem. Beowulf's Virtues Beowulf, a prince of the Geats clan, is virtuous, brave, and trustworthy. His grip was comparable to that of a group of about thirty guys. He was an orphan...

Words: 291

Pages: 2

The Poem Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show

This is a traditional epic poem that attests to primordial love while illuminating a puzzling poetic composition. The speaker offers two perspectives on the poem's central subject of love in the poem. Evidently, the viewer is captivated by the poem's narrative. The speaker uses examples to show how love can...

Words: 886

Pages: 4

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