Essays on Hypothesis

Dependent and Independent Variables

Identify the Independent Variable for each hypothesis mentioned (IV). Indicate if the IV is categorical or continuous. Indicate if the IV is on an interval or ratio scale if continuous. Then, the Dependent Variable (DV) is defined. Indicate if the DV is categorical or continuous. Indicate that the DV is...

Words: 273

Pages: 1

Social psychology reflection

I discovered a myriad of questions in the cognitive psychology classroom. To begin with, in the sense of culture, I have studied and contemplated the word social psychology, as the psychology that explores the way people think, behave and feel. Social psychology primarily concerns the manner in which the emotions, feelings,...

Words: 556

Pages: 3

Consistency and Sales Volume Comparision

Performance assessments require many relevant statistical tests in a given scenario. Some of the statistical indicators that are useful to quantify these output types include the mean, variance, standard difference, mode, median and graphical display of results. In these cases, the best performer will be the vendor with the highest...

Words: 661

Pages: 3

Thinking and Intelligence.

The Key Differences Between Intelligence Hypotheses The key differences between intelligence hypotheses are the considerations on what makes up intelligence. Although Spearman and Cattell concentrate on the general ability and particular abilities as the building blocks of intellect, the dimensions of various intelligence are added by Gardener. Sternberg, on the other...

Words: 246

Pages: 1

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