Essays on Germany

Low Birth Rate in Germany

Many developing countries are currently reporting low birth rates, and Germany is one of the world's lowest-birth-rate countries. The death rate is higher than the birth rate, which is concerning. Many governments in developed countries have been devising strategies to address the numerous social and economic challenges posed by the...

Words: 2500

Pages: 10

Blue Rider Painting

Blue Rider Artists and Their Influence Blue Rider is an agency of artists based in Germany who played a principal role in the development of summary art. A painting in the AIC is considered as a Blue Rider (Der Balue Reiter) if it is created through artists in Germany, especially those...

Words: 325

Pages: 2

All about Romanticism

Unlike its precursors, Romanticism emphasizes more on individualism, imagination and energized art. Originated in 18th century, Romanticism though closely linked to love, focuses more on a wide array of ideas with love as a regular feature. Expression of selves independently was brought in by Romanticism. It all started in Germany...

Words: 947

Pages: 4

Helene Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl retaining her aesthetic professionalism was her main job no matter being the critic as an agonist guided by ambition that takes handle things for personal benefit and neglects the ethical consequences of the situation. Riefenstahl claims that her art used to be not meant for propaganda as a...

Words: 3552

Pages: 13

Germany and Russia clashed on the opposing sides during the Second World War

During the Second World War, the competing forces fought against Germany and Russia. Under Hitler's rule, Germany attacked, which was the source of the war's course and order. Russia used Stalingrad as the hub of contact during the battle. The town was, therefore, very important to the government. On the...

Words: 3584

Pages: 14

Source study for World War 1: All Quiet on The Western Front

A fascinating and educational piece of literature written by Erich Maria Remarque is 'All Quiet on the Western Front' Established in 1898, this German author discusses his reflections and views about the First World War. Via the eyes of a young German infantryman, the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front"...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

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