
Apple's Strong Moral Duty to User Privacy Apple has demonstrated a stronger moral duty to its users. The organization has worked hard to ensure that its clients' privacy is highly secured. This became clear in December 2015, when the FBI obtained an iPhone belonging to one of the terrorists who killed...

Words: 685

Pages: 3

Feasibility study: FBI software utilization

In terms of data security The software is a highly important tool for every firm. Software tools that are classified are also required for significant and highly classified material, like those found in the FBI. The organization's efforts to secure the specific data it hosts with the present software tools fall...

Words: 620

Pages: 3

The Work That Seems to Be Too Good to Be True

The FBI's tactics in this case involving two Russian hackers, Vasiliy Gorshkov and Alexey Ivanov, were both legal and appropriate in light of the circumstances. Furthermore, the use of deception to entice the two hackers showed that US law enforcement officials were eager to use whatever means available to them...

Words: 1562

Pages: 6

My Life as an Undercover Agent by Donnie Brasco

After joining the FBI from the Naval Intelligence, Joseph D. Pistone developed himself as a skilled undercover operative. Pistone was chosen for the role after leading a fruitful campaign in which the FBI apprehended some of the most lucrative robbery rings. There was no going back for Pistone at this...

Words: 640

Pages: 3

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