Essays on Contemporary History

Romantic Ballet

The lecture today delved into the origins and components of romantic ballet, a dance that started in the 19th century. The lecture class concentrated on the roots of history, the reasons for its success and its debut by prominent actors. The purpose of ballet was to represent both art and...

Words: 264

Pages: 1

Military Strategy and General Douglas MacArthur’s Impact

Douglas MacArthur: Legendary Military Figure Douglas MacArthur, born in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1880, rose from the ranks of the American army to become one of the most decorated officers and legendary military figures of the twentieth century. He was born into a military family, which included a father and brothers...

Words: 1346

Pages: 5

Story of an Hour

Forbidden Joy of Independence and the Oppressiveness of Marriage Kate Chopin's The Tale of an Hour is a reflection of late-nineteenth-century customs in which most of American society retained the profoundly rooted norm that women are inferior and should therefore remain dependent on their husbands. Women were essentially supposed to cook,...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4

Mother Teresa

In the inspiring phrases of mother Teresa “it’s not how we give however how much love we put into giving”. From an early age, I was taught the value of neighborhood service, understanding our society’s philanthropic needs and taking the right motion to assist in solving them. My background has...

Words: 648

Pages: 3

beatles music

The Beatles were a well-known British rock group that were successful in the 1960s; their songs revolutionized music on many continents. The Beatles were made up of four men: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star. These four men produced music that was widely embraced and had a...

Words: 1403

Pages: 6

Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart

The Impact of European Powers on West Africa The novel is set in the late nineteenth century when European powers were vying for a piece of Africa's territories. It depicts a time of transformation when western culture entered West Africa and Christianity was introduced. Following the introduction of the English Bible,...

Words: 584

Pages: 3

Essay On Mother Teresa

This diagnostic paper is written as a psychology assignment for UMUC and does not show that the author has the experience or education in the real world to complete the psychological diagnosis. The author has studied available information on the individual in order to include a diagnosis of a psychological...

Words: 2109

Pages: 8

song analysis of The Beatles

The paper delves into three artistic works by the Beatles, the most well-known band of the twentieth century. There is some contemplation on the mysteries of music and the origins of inspiration that fed the musicians. There are some theories about the harmonic arrangement, harmony, sound style, and other elements...

Words: 2537

Pages: 10

The Roaring 20s' Effect on the Lifestyle of American People

The Roaring 20s' Effect on the Lifestyle of American PeopleThe 1920s were an era of dramatic transition, particularly for Americans, both politically and socially. The era became known as the Roaring Twenties because of the dramatic transition that marked it (Welky 18). Most people preferred to live in the cities...

Words: 1645

Pages: 6

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