James Hansen James Hansen is America s most celebrated earth scientist for the contribution he has made to climate change and its effects. Since many of his lectures were aimed at raising awareness of the consequences of climate change, he is considered the founder of climate change awareness. He proposes that,...
Words: 502
Pages: 2
Your submit regarding cultural impact on climate alternate is very interesting. It is true that Hoffman identified four social elements that greatly influence climate trade including cognitive filters, cultural identity overpowering scientific reason, and the economy. As stated through the author, cultural cognition is highly influential as it influences the...
Words: 550
Pages: 2
The paper explores climatic trade as an energy problem in the world. The temperatures in the earth have been rising to some polynomial which makes the solar unbearable for human beings. This has resulted in issues referring to to sunburn and other skin associated diseases. Change in climate has been...
Words: 2514
Pages: 10
According to Simpson and Christensen (1997), human activities leading to weather and climate change are causing rapid changes in the environment. Thus the constant changes compelled nature to search for equilibrium. Sadly, many people are vulnerable to harmful natural retaliations, including disasters. Without the help of their states, humanity must...
Words: 1253
Pages: 5
For the past three decades, there has been a major improvement in the use of green energies. Renewable fuels supplied about 23% of the world's overall fuel production as of January 2016. The acceleration of the depreciation of available nonrenewable sources is primarily responsible for the transition. Increased climate change...
Words: 1479
Pages: 6