Habituation Essay

With these ideas in mind, explore your surroundings (home, school, bank, church, pub, etc.) for a behavior that fits the definition of habituation or sensitization.After completing the exercise, I discovered an example of a behavior in my home that fulfills the description of sensitization. It might not be human behavior,...

Words: 300

Pages: 2

Difference between Cats and Dogs

Cats vs Dogs: A Comparison Cats, as nicely as dogs, are very common pets. However, they show significant variations that require owners to understand to have a healthy relationship with a pussycat or canine companion. One such difference arises regarding vitamin and diet. A noticeable difference is in how these two...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

A Cat’s Life

The Cat Episode The writer recounts an episode when they almost killed their dad's cat. It is during summer, and the sun is setting. The author and a brother are enjoying the sunset by hiking on a tree. They notice a cat and both are in for the idea to tease...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

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