Essays on Artwork

Tattoos as an Artistic Expression

Discrimination against people with tattoos in the workplace Discrimination against people with tattoos in the workplace is soon becoming a thing of the past and this is because people are beginning to change their perception and attitude about tattoos. People with tattoos have for many years been viewed or described as...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

The Art of Writing

The art of writing and my struggles The art of writing has always bothered my personality. Taking writing classes in my lower levels of education like junior secondary has been out of reluctance. My main problem is not writing, but how to start writing. The inability to introduce any writing statement...

Words: 907

Pages: 4

The Importance of Scenography in Theatre

The Fascinating World of Scenography The article on scenography is the most fascinating compared to other pieces. According to it, scenography refers to all the rudiments that facilitate enhancement of theatrical and presentation atmosphere in acting centers. Elements that create a conducive acting atmosphere involve lighting, sound, set, and the design...

Words: 623

Pages: 3

Role of Performance in Theatre

Normally, performance is thought of as a form of entertainment and art. However, in reality, people have been performing throughout in our social world.  For instance, in the professional situations, individuals have been playing roles and presenting carefully prepared images to other people. They have mastered the art of presenting...

Words: 1083

Pages: 4

Directorial Concept of A Midsummer Night's Dream

The play “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by William Shakespheare was written in the 1590’s. It is a romantic comedy that explores the adventures of four lovers, their interaction with fairies in a moonlit forest, and Duke and Duchess (Muir, 176). Notably, the reflection of the Elizabethan England is highly present...

Words: 1153

Pages: 5

The Historic Royal Palaces

Historic Royal Palace was initially a government established charity organization in the United Kingdom. It was established originally in 1989 as the Environmental Department executive agency to care for the five royal palaces. In 1998, the agency became an independent charity which was then caring for the UK’s unoccupied royal...

Words: 1308

Pages: 5

Art as a Public Good

To begin with, the majority of people who take part in the arts have a tendency to reason that the government ought to provide financial sustenance. The fact remains that, the display of these art treasures is of great benefit to the state itself. First and the foremost, the artistic...

Words: 1085

Pages: 4

Artifacts of Life

It can be a form of art or a form of self-expression that has meaning to you. It can be anything that a human conceived of as art and deliberately crafted. For this assignment, you are being asked to share your artifact with your classmates.  Please consider this as you select...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

Video Games as Works of Art

In the society today, technology has expanded our knowledge on the mediums of art upon which artists can relay their workpieces and tell their stories. Video games exist as a new art form, where the different shapes and movement used deviates from the traditional artistic expression into a unique experience....

Words: 646

Pages: 3

Adaptive Reuse of Buildings

When a building is enabled to meet new conditions, this is known as adaptive use. This process aims to reap benefits the benefit of the exemplified energy and worth of original structure in a sustainable manner (Bullen Love, 2011). Occurrences, where the construction or building carries a tradition...

Words: 926

Pages: 4

Comparison of Two Artworks at Musei Capitoline

As an art enthusiast, taking a virtual tour of the Capitoline Museum is exhilarating. The Musei Capitoline is itself an artifact based on its history as one of the oldest museums in the world. The location of Musei Capitoline in another fascinating fact since it is positioned at the top...

Words: 1101

Pages: 5

Formal Elements in the Painting: The Use of Light, Line, and Color

The Coronation of Napoleon (1805–1807) The Coronation of Napoleon (1805–1807) is a painting by the famous French painter, Jacques-Louis David. The painting depicts the coronation of Napoleon I at Notre-Dame de Paris. Napoleon himself commissioned the work in 1804. The painting is imposing and, therefore, conspicuous at the Louvre. Like most...

Words: 898

Pages: 4

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