Essays on Artists

A Closer Look at Jean Michel Basquiat

The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat, has made his mark in the world of contemporary art. A member of the Neo-expressionist movement, Basquiat rose to fame in the 1980s. His work is widely regarded as revolutionary, cutting-edge, and uncompromising. Here are just a few of the many...

Words: 992

Pages: 4

Frida Kahlo Paintings Analysis

One of the most famous paintings by Frida Kahlo is titled Self-portrait The painting depicts the Mexican artist in a hospital bed covered with blood. It shows her swollen belly, which remains covered with six thin red filaments. Frida was a victim of a natural abortion in 1932. The painting is...

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg is a painter and dancer who uses visual gestures to interact. The Dance at MoMA Creativity is one of the standout features of the dance at the MoMA. The dancers' outfits were both ethical and stunning. The colors of the props matched the colors of the backdrop and the...

Words: 286

Pages: 2

Conflict of Wildlife and Human

I slected the word "green" as my beginning point because green is a main color of the world, related to the nature. Nature is all around us, and this is what makes Earth different from the rest of the planets. For the majority of us, humans, it shows harmony and...

Words: 1184

Pages: 5

Henri Mattise and Vincent Van Gogh

Henri Mattise and Vincent Van Gogh are known as one to the most essential pair of artists it the 20th century world of arts. Both were famed for an artistic, raw and non-conforming technique they used to their painting. One fundamental concept that sprung up during Van Gogh and Henri...

Words: 1605

Pages: 6

The Art of Baroque Period

Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa Bernini was a prominent sculptor in Rome. He worked on the sculpture of the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa between the years 1647 and 1652. Bernini created the chapel as a theater of his sculpture. The statue is set to a position above and behind the altar....

Words: 876

Pages: 4

Virginia born Lewis Binford

Lewis Binford’s birth took place in Norfolk in Virginia at the time of the Great Depression in 1932. The name of his father was Joseph Lewis Binford while his mother’s name was Eoline Roberts Binford. Binford went to government established schools due to his parents’ humble income. As early as...

Words: 937

Pages: 4

All About Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock is a famous artist well known for his great talent in painting. He was the youngest in his family (Pollock 11), born on January 28th, 1912 in Cody, Wyoming. Thomas Benton was his tutor, taught him the basics of painting and influenced most of his early works. Later...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, Mexico's most outstanding female craftsman, painted severely legal self-representations that find her mental reaction to difficulty. She was once conceived on July 6, 1907, in Coyoacan, a suburb of Mexico City. When she was six years of age, she contracted polio which left her with a twisted...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

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