Essays on Art History

The Renaissance and The Reformation

The Renaissance and its Influence The Renaissance was a cultural movement which significantly influenced European intellectual life. The movement started in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe during the 16th century. The influence of Renaissance was felt in religion, science, politics, art, philosophy, and other aspects of intellectuality. Moreover,...

Words: 314

Pages: 2


I. Describe the artifact in detail. For instance, how would you describe it to someone who could not see it? [You practiced this 2-4-1 Short Answer: Seeing Your Artifact in a New Light.] Your response might include basic and technical details about the...

Words: 2244

Pages: 9

Analysis of Gustave Courbet's "The Stonebreakers"

Gustave Courbet and The Stone Breakers Art Gustave Courbet painted the Stone Breakers art in 1849 during the period of social realism. The painting is a depiction of young and old peasant men breaking rocks. The picture was destroyed in 1945 along with other 154 paintings that were in transit to...

Words: 687

Pages: 3

Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Annunciation Painting

The Annunciation painting by Leonardo da Vinci The Annunciation painting done by Leonardo da Vinci has befuddled and intrigued many scholars for centuries. This forms one of Leonardo's early painting, and it depicts an influence of his mastery works. The architectural setting of the point opens the landscape of trees that...

Words: 1260

Pages: 5

The Artwork of Lofa: Hunter's Tunic

The Hunter's Tunic as an Artwork The Hunter's Tunic is an artwork, which involves the face of a human being composed in the 20th century from Lofa. The mask is made up of leather, cotton, metal alloy, cotton string, animal teeth, hide, encrustation, and horns. The picture contains some enclosed human...

Words: 1009

Pages: 4

The Human Form in Ancient Art

The Early Civilization The early civilization, the prehistoric, Aegean, Near East, Roman, and Egyptian tried to represent the human form in their art in different ways. The representation was aimed at illustrating their culture, belief and the world around them. They used artworks such as drawing, painting, and sculpturing to demonstrate...

Words: 900

Pages: 4

Artifacts of Life

It can be a form of art or a form of self-expression that has meaning to you. It can be anything that a human conceived of as art and deliberately crafted. For this assignment, you are being asked to share your artifact with your classmates.  Please consider this as you select...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

The Difference Between Progress Traps and Real Progress

The Difference Between Progress Traps and Real Progress The way the human brain is specialized has encouraged many people to experiment with progressions, which are both powerful and self-destructing at the same time (In Adams, 2013). Ronald Wright believes that even with the progressions, which are brought about by civilization some...

Words: 1796

Pages: 7

The Impact of Dorothea Lange's Photograph "Migration of Drought Refugees to California"

The neutral colors and implied texture The neutral colors (white, gray, and black), in the photograph titled ‘Migration of drought refugees to California’ by Dorothea Lange taken in the year 1935 (, functions perfectly within the work of art by not only telling us the level of technological advancement in photography...

Words: 427

Pages: 2

The Etruscan Women

The history of Greek dates back to 776 BC an era commonly referred to as an age of heroes. Since then the archaeologists have attempted to prove the existence of the Age of Heroes. The archaeologists have contributed to the recovery as well as the interpretation of the...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

The Soundsuit Series by Nick Cave

The Soundsuit Series and its Challenge to Western Aesthetics The series of Nick Cave's Soundsuit utilizes a series of performance as well as found mediums in order to challenge the philosophical assumptions of the western society concerning the choices that are seen to be complicated and consequently valuable. The art by...

Words: 1231

Pages: 5

The Theme of Salvation and Damnation in Medieval Art

Art has had different themes related to various historical periods hence reaming relevant with ideologies existing during such era. Salvation and Damnation, for example, is a they, which transited during medieval period between 5th to 15th centuries. During this period, there was significant conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and...

Words: 1195

Pages: 5

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