Ethical issues at workplace

Ethical Concerns

Ethical concerns are a collection of norms or principles that govern a person's or organization's correct behavior or morality, such as a corporation (Ritchie et al., 2013). Ethical issues are also defined as a scenario or a dilemma that demands an individual or an institution to make a decision between solutions that can be judged as right or wrong. Numerous individuals in diverse organizations encounter numerous ethical challenges in their jobs. This has caused some employees to do foolish things with their supervisors in order to acquire jobs, promotions, or even keep their positions. This paper will explain various ethical issues faced by employees and how they resolve.<\/p>

Interview Description

I interviewed one of the female employee working in one of the local company, and she admitted to being facing various ethical issues which included; health and safety, harassment and discrimination in the sense of racial discrimination, wage inequality and sexual harassments. The employee said that her manager regularly harasses her sexually and threatens her to losing her job if she does not give in to her manager\u2019s demands. She also said that the working environment is very poor and dangerous to her health since she is exposed to a lot of noise and radiation that are harmful. Finally, she said that she is not allowed to attend a meeting with other staff members simply because she is an African.<\/p>

When the employee aired her grievances to the top manager about what she is going through in the company, she was told to quit the job if she could not withstand everything that was not right in the company. Due to the fear of becoming jobless, she said that she had no option other than to continue facing the challenges that she went through in the company. Philosophy does not believe that such ethical issues were resolved fairly, since the employee did not get justice. Moreover, ethics in philosophy is concerned with the right conduct of people behaviour thus it is very unethical to sexually harass and to discriminate an employee regarding race or gender.<\/p>

Interview Relationship with the PDF Lecture

From the interview I conducted, there was a great relationship between the interview and the lecture PDF in the following ways; firstly, the lecture PDF talked about racial discrimination. This is evident from the interview results where the employee was not allowed to attend meetings with other staffs of the company because she is black. This is also explained in the lecture where Hispanics and African- American is said to be paid less to do the same work done by the whites despite having a good education background. Secondly, from the interview result, the employee said that she was sexually harassed by her manager. This is also explained in the lecture PDF, where the supervisors force a person seeking employment to enter into a sexual relationship with him so as to get the job.<\/p>

From the interview, the employee said that she works in a poor environment which poses a danger to her health due to the radiation that could cause cancer and noise that can permanently damage her hearing ability. This could be due to racial discrimination explained in the lecture, where the supervisor allocates the employee an unfavorable condition due to her ethnicity. This situation makes the employee unable to fully deliver her services to the company since she feels that the company is insensitive to her rights. In conclusion, it is evident that there are a lot of ethical issues in our society and in workplaces to be specific that need to be correctly addressed to create a good working environment for all workers regardless of race and gender.<\/p>

Work cited

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013). Qualitative research practice: A guide

for social science students and researchers. Sage.

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