Depression in Mental Health


Depression is a major mental disorder that results in a depressed mood, feeling low self-worth and lack of pleasure. Poor concentration and low energy level are also a significant effect of depression in mental health. I chose on the topic of depression since it affects all people regardless of their age group. Furthermore, the condition has become more common in society today, and people need to pay more attention to the state on how to control it. Many of the most successful people in the world and even the most famous still experience depression at some point in their life.

Causes and Types of Depression:

I learned that depression could also be experienced suddenly in one's life. This is mainly because of physical illness. Some of the experiences that generally date back to childhood age are also a significant cause of sudden depression. Bereavement and many family problems have proved to be a significant source of distress as well. Some of the chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease are heavily linked to depression. I also learned that there might be no apparent reason for someone experiencing depression at some point in life. Several types of depression range from mild and major depression.

Thoughts and Medication:

My thoughts on the topic of depression vary from the causes to the protective measures. Depression is a very critical mental disorder that needs immediate action from the person affected. I also find depression being more of a state of someone's mind and therefore requires more of psychiatric attention than medicine. I would as well like to know if any medicinal drugs have been discovered as therapeutic drugs for depression in mental health. The information acquired from the study of depression as a mental disorder applies to all people as everyone might experience the same. I find this more important as I will immediately notice the signs and symptoms of depression and seek the medication in good time to avoid mild depression. In the future, Everyone should at least take some studies on the causes of depression in life as this will help them stay away from any possibilities of experiencing mental health disorder.

Genetic Factors and Treatment:

In my further research on the topic of depression in mental health, I find that some genetic factors also cause distress. This is the reason why some people are more prone and experiences the mental disorder of depression more often than others experience. Seeking medical assistance is always the best option for such individuals. Depression is also more common among older adults (Elkin et al 2018). This is mainly caused by some physical illness and lack of pleasure in life. The mental disorder is currently being witnessed among the adolescents and even young children because of stress. Anti-depressants are available in the hospitals, and it is better if the youths and adults experiencing the disorder can seek for the medical assistance in good time.


In conclusion, Depression is a frequent and severe mental disorder that needs immediate reaction in case one experiences its signs. Treatment of depression at a young stage is more critical as mild depression may result in other health complications in the body. From the knowledge gained in learning about depression in mental health, I will carry out awareness campaigns to help the affected people in the society get the necessary education on the preventive measures and the antidepressants that will help them deal with the situation. Leaving a life free from stress is key in avoiding the depression conditions. Psychiatric assistance is also an important measure that should be exercised by the people suffering from depression.


Elkin, I., Shea, M. T., Watkins, J. T., Imber, S. D., Sotsky, S. M., Collins, J. F., ... " Fiester,

S. J. (2018). National Institute of Mental Health treatment of depression collaborative                research program: General effectiveness of treatments. Archives of general psychiatry, 46(11), 971-982.

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