The Importance of Employee Trust
The workplace requires a high level of employee trust. Building this trust, however, takes a lot of time. This is due to the fact that others do not always have your back, especially at work.
Nurturing and Developing Trust
Recognizing that trust develops gradually and needs to be nurtured as it expands is important. The trust between management and employees will be put at risk if a problem is handled improperly. An additional factor that might undermine employee trust in a company is partial treatment by management.
Building Trust through Communication
The first step is getting to know the people one works with and being in continual communication with them establishment of trust required in a group (van Hoorn, 2014).
Leadership and Trust
Moreover, building and sustaining trust by a leader among the employees is pertinent because it serves as a propeller to successful leadership. The leaders who motivate and inspire those they lead indicate that they have trust in them to get tasks accomplished.
van Hoorn, A. (2014). Trust, Workplace Organization, and Comparative Economic Development. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Learning Activity 2 Sabrina El
From this post, it is postulated that a leader ought to gain trust from his or her colleagues and the employees. It is true that as the leader, trust is indeed a key to effectively lead people, process activities and perform tasks. Additionally, a leader should be able to gain and build trust with the employees by encouraging participation, inspiring, motivating and actively listening and understanding them (Hsieh & Wang, 2015). Kent, as observed in this post, is being too eager in addition to acting too quickly and this makes him lose the trust as a leader with his employees. Furthermore, he is on the verge of losing trust with his close acquaintance since he lacks self-awareness as he does not communicate effectively. In addition, he is not collaborating with his colleagues in strategizing and documenting specific situations. Particularly, Kent ought to have collaborated not only with the staff but also his colleagues in order to gain their commitment before ordering them to complete the task. Therefore, this leader does not know how to build and maintain trust which is an important aspect of leadership.
Hsieh, C., & Wang, D. (2015). Does supervisor-perceived authentic leadership influence employee work engagement through employee-perceived authentic leadership and employee trust?. The International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 26(18), 2329-2348.