Analysis of The Iron Lady Movie

As directed by Phyllida Lloyd, the film is a biopic movie elaborating on the journey of Meryl Streep's as Margaret Thatcher –the main character, who has a significant impact in the world as a woman politician. Having occupied that position for over decade, she can be considered a successful iron lady who overcame the society’s values, norms, and belief’s particularly when women had been oppressed politically to depict their leadership skills in society. Mrs. Thatcher showed her ability to lead in the government of Britain. Just as her utterances “The battle for women’s rights has been largely won” and her win was an exact reflection of it (“The Iron Lady").

Born in 1925, she was introduced into politics by her father into conservative politics who was then a town council member. She ran as a Conservative Party candidate, won the elections and served as England’s prime minister from 1979 to 1990.Mrs. Thatcher battled recession in England by seeing interest rates raised to curb it, and a lot of progressions was eminent during her time. Her valor was reflected when she agreed to become the first female politician in a country where government and society at large had no much regard for female leadership (Daybell, and James 107). Besides being inspiring, she is the epitome of a female leader.

The Iron Lady movie has employed some cinematography as conceptual tools. This includes the choice of camera angles and sizes of shots. He has used both long shots and close-ups which are determined by where the camera is placed. The shots have made reflections making the world of the movie silver-grey, offering a complex texture just as the cinematographer, Elliot Davis wanted it. That way, the cinematography reflects who Miss Thatcher was and what she was going through.

Mrs. Thatcher’s has exhibited a real performance that is uncannily accurate and complete in its understanding making her fascinating every second of her time on the screen. For that, I would recommend it to a classmate.

Works Cited

“The Iron Lady." YouTube. N.p., 2018. Web. 24 June 2018.

Daybell, James. Women and Politics in Early Modern England, 1450-1700. , 2016. Internet resource.

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