About Public warehousing

As is well established, Fishy is a start-up warehouse business that stores canned Salmon from Chile in South America. As a start-up venture, it is expected to demonstrate good results in order to prevent losses and to be closed. The corporation will receive forty containers each month and each unit will have a CIF valuation of $35,000. In addition, each unit can carry 20 pallets for a total of 40 pallets per month. In our factory, the average weight required in a month would be 80 tons as each pallet weighs a lot. We have calculated and projected that our sales team will be able to sell all the products within a period of one month. However, the company has made some 60 pre-order which range from two cases to half pallets, but the problem here is that there is the shortage of space in the warehouse. We will need to find a space to house the products for a short while as our sales team completes the sales (Crance & Mastry, 2013). As the manager of the warehouse, I have compared the companies and believe that Broward County would be the best choice for us. As the members of FISHY partner, you ought to know why I chose the Broward County as the best public warehouse to rent for our startup company. Firstly, the place offers enough space which I believe will allow off unloading of the containers. It will of significance to our warehouse since we will avoid the costs of offloading. Secondly, the warehouse also offers many different warehouse insurance covers thus maximizing the safety of our products. You will also notice that in the case of losses, the company will compensate them within a short period of time. Moreover, Broward public warehouse will provide the services of racking our products as well as dispatching the loose boxes to our trucks in case we will have small vans. This is a rare service which can be done by any other warehouse companies and I believe this service may be of great help for our products' safety. The company simply offers excellent services and will satisfy our needs. Also, the company operates in various cities in the country because they believe that having localized operations will bring them closer to their customers. The best of all is that it offers quality services at the lowest warehousing rates. In this research paper, I have attached the quoted charging rates of the company as well as the findings (Zabyelina, 2014). Recommendation Since Fishy warehouse is a startup company, it will require success and generate enough profit. As the manager of the company, I will be there to see that the company makes a good progress each month. The selection of the Broward public warehouse will be of great help to our warehouse. Our company will acquire substantial benefits such as reduced operational costs, better demand planning, security improvement, continuous improvement as well as improving the supplier and customer support. I believe our partnership with Broward County public warehouse will help our warehouse grow as it is the expectation of everyone. As the partners of Fishy warehouse company, I will expect you to review the findings then give a final report on the same. References Crance, J. R., &Mastry, M. (2013). Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation: Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 231-266: Fourth Amendment Privacy Rights at Sea and Systems: There's Something Fishy About This. Zabyelina, Y. G. (2014). The “fishy” business: a qualitative analysis of the illicit market in black caviar. Trends in Organized Crime, 17(3), 181-198.

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