about domestic violence

System Thinking and its Application to Sustainable Challenges

System thinking is a problem-solving approach that focuses on the individual pieces and the current relationships between certain elements that form a total unit. Unlike the standard research approach, which focuses on what is being analyzed, system thinking focuses on determining the interaction that occurs between the system's different constituents. As a result, machine thinking is a helpful way to deal with tasks that include many players and, as a result, can solve difficult or repetitive problems (Arnold and Wade 2015, p. 669).

Currently, most life sustainable issues have become sophisticated and can no longer be well solved using the traditional thinking approach, and thus, system thinking is applied. System thinking can be a useful approach in dealing with wicked sustainability challenges because of its robust nature that combines the process, technologies, and a set of skills (Soderquistand and Overakkar 2010, p. 197).

In as much as system thinking seems to be a perfect approach to solve most of the world sustainability problems today, it is also clear that it also has its downfalls such as taking a long time to learn. This report presents an argument on the statement that system thinking is critical in developing solutions to sustainable challenges (Kumanyika et al 2010).

Domestic Violence as a Sustainable Challenge

Domestic violence is one the world's major sustainable challenges. This is because this problem does not have stability, it is complex, and does not have a clear solution; thus, it takes the features of a wicked problem. Domestic violence as a problem is complex and has many elements and variables that are attached and are interconnected to it. Currently, domestic violence is affecting many people in the world, both rich and the have-nots. The number of affected people is alarming and has led to economic and social effects in the society among others. The main cause of domestic violence is not clear because there are many things that can be possible triggers of this violence (Gregory and Miller 2014, p. 319).

Applying System Thinking to Solve Domestic Violence

This essay aims at establishing whether system thinking can be applied to solve the sustainability problem of domestic violence. The paper targets testing the application of system thinking to the unstable, complex domestic violence problems affecting people on the globe. The main objective of this essay is composed of the other objectives which are to establish the way systematic thinking can solve domestic violence. Also, the other objective is to come up with some of the downfalls of systematic thinking that may make it inappropriate to solve this complex sustainability problem of domestic violence (Barton and Haslett 2007, p. 150).

Plan and Organization of the Essay

Regarding the plan and organization of this essay, the paper starts by analyzing the problem of domestic violence in the society. Then, it discusses how systems thinking can be applied to solve the problem. Further, it looks at its associated strength and weaknesses in the process of solving this problem. Finally, the essay concludes the findings and brings out the position of extending to which systematic thinking could address the issues of sustainability of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is defined as an abuse of one partner with a given intimate or family relationship. The abuse in the relationship can be emotional, financial, sexual or even physical. Domestic violence is considered a wicked challenge because its nature takes all the characteristics of wicked problems. Some of these features include difficulty in defining domestic violence; one cannot easily understand its nature (Celano et al 2010, p. 40). Domestic violence also has many interdependencies that may even be conflicting in some cases. Also, as a wicked problem, domestic violence is unstable, socially complex, lack clear solution and attempts to solve it leads to unforeseen problems. Therefore, systematic thinking approach can be applied to the wicked problem of domestic violence which has affected many people in the world (Ehrlinger and Eibach 2011, p. 60).

In as much as domestic violence is wrong, it is also true that the violence has been sustained in the society because three main reasons. Firstly, domestic violence has been maintained by the individual experiences of both the abuser and the abused. The experience can be fear of abandonment, low jealousy self-esteem among many others. The second thing that sustains domestic violence is laxity of the society to make adequate responses such as failure to persecute, blame the woman, lack of childcare among others. Another sustainable reason for domestic violence is the stereotypical beliefs and also the negative attitude towards the roles of men and women. These among other reasons have made domestic violence continue in the society despite its ill-effects.

Application of System Thinking to Solve Domestic Violence

System thinking has been viewed by many people as a perfect way to handle wicked challenges in the world. The approach involves steps which start with the understanding the problem, observing the pattern over time, creating a focusing statement, structure identification, deeper system analysis and finally a plan for intervention (Richmond 2010). Application of system thinking to solve domestic violence can be summarized through steps that first identify what happened in the past of the challenge, what is currently going on, why it has happened and ways that can be used to curb domestic violence. These steps can help solve the domestic violence through systematic thinking.

The first step to systems thinking is to establish past information on domestic violence, and the challenge existed a long time ago since the history of man and couple and family relationships. It has been a sustainable challenge that has been difficult to handle. The violence has affected people of all kinds regardless of their demographic factors. The vice has been difficult to curb because of its nature. Attempts have failed because the challenge does not have an apparent cause and also the possible solutions have negative consequences associated with it (Stanton and Welsh 2011).

The second step is to understand the current state of domestic violence. Domestic violence can happen to anyone in the world regardless of their sexuality, age, religion, gender, social background, or the ethnicity. Besides, the violence happens to people of all kinds of relationships whether lesbians, gays, bisexual, heterosexuals, and even transgender. However, it has been noted the majority of domestic violence has mostly carried the gender of a male in the society, and they are women who mostly experience this. Domestic violence can happen any stage of the intimate or family relationship. Additionally, it is noted that the violence is rarely one-off since they increase to become severe over some period (Banerjee and Esther 2011).

Regarding the structure of this wicked problem, there are some statistical data that has been observed about domestic violence. In many cases in the society, the violence has been experienced most by women and caused by men. Thus, the challenge has systematic gender parity at the center of women's experience of the violence. This has been mostly associated with the society's positioning of man to have more ego over the woman. However, there are also some cases where women initiate the violence especially in a relationship where the woman is older than a man (United Nations 2010). Therefore, it is clear that men have caused most of the domestic violence experienced in the relationships.

At analysis stage of systematic thinking to solve domestic violence, it is not easy to establish the cause of the violence because of its nature. However, some explanations can be thought to be the cause of domestic violence. Firstly, domestic violence happens by the abuser's desire for control and power over the relationship and this is also related to the power imbalance between the sexes which is also the cause of the violence. It is also evident that some domestic violence is caused by alcohol, drug abuse, poor health of the partner, unemployment and stress among others which may drive partners out of their mind thus leading to violence (Catalano 2007).

The last stage of system thinking is to come up with ways that can be used to curb these challenges. There is no proven way as to how to directly approach and reduce domestic violence rates. The only approach to this issue is to look for the indirect influences that may be the cause of this violence and then make attempts to reduce them (International Labor Organization 2009). As for the reasons mentioned above, there is a need to make efforts towards reducing or eliminating them. The prevention programs should continue running, and then make efforts to scale them and study how well and suitable they work on to solve domestic violence. Therefore, this approach is likely to help reduce domestic violence to a greater level in the society (Meadows 2008).

Moreover, as a method to reduce domestic violence, there is a need to establish strict and consistent domestic violence penalties to make people fear engaging in domestic violence. Besides, there is a need to change the way the court handles the domestic violence cases and adopt better stringent ways. These aspects are critical in the endeavor as a way to formulate and implement policies that are likely to help curb domestic violence. Helping women to become economically independent is also a way that can help reduce domestic violence in the society since woman are more victimized than men (Hindin et al 2008). Lastly, the approach of funding support services against domestic violence is a way that can help drive other aspects against domestic violence thus it must be considered in the mission for effectiveness.

However, inasmuch as systems thinking seems appropriate to approach to prevent domestic violence, it is also evident that the suggested solutions are associated with certain shortcomings. Given the fact that domestic violence is a wicked problem, its approaches also have challenging consequences. Most methods that were embraced above in the system thinking, they also bring about certain outcomes that may not be likable. For example, from systems thinking, one of the ways to curb domestic violence is through empowering women to be independent. When women are much empowered by the society with the intention of overpowering men, there are chances of people not getting into relationships and marriages, and this is a social mischief (Hazen & Soriano 2007, p. 570). Therefore, attempts to solve domestic violence directly lead to other issues in the society thus reducing the degree of effectiveness of this approach.

Thus, it is clear that the extent to which systems are thinking will solve the challenge of domestic violence is small. This is mainly because of the nature of this wicked problem where the problem has many causes which are not clear and thus does not take on a given solution to curb it (Sweeney and Sterman 2007, p. 285). Besides, its nature where a given approach to control it brings about another problem in turn significantly reduces its effectiveness. Therefore, systems thinking only reduces the degree of domestic violence by a small percentage but does cannot completely curb it (Cabrera and Laura 2015).


In conclusion, system thinking is a critical way of solving wicked problems. The approach involves treatment and focuses on different entities that form a complete unit establishing their existing relationship. This method seems an effective way to handle most wicked sustainable problems that exist in society where the traditional unstructured thinking has failed. Systems thinking has the structure, and there are some steps in place that are followed to reach an amicable solution thus solving challenges in society. Usually, wicked problems are complex, have no structure, cannot be easily understood and thus solving they are difficult to address. Besides, their possible solutions also have repercussions associated with them, thus so difficult to be handled.

Also, it can be summarized that domestic violence as a wicked problem cannot be solved, but rather approaches can be taken to reduce its occurrence. The cause, structure, and characteristics of this challenge are not apparent, and thus its solution will be to cut through an indirect attack of its causes. Application of system thinking to solve this issue realized various suggested ways that can be used to reduce the violence in society. Thus, system thinking cannot completely curb the vice but can only reduce its degree of occurrence in society.


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