A Mentorship Coaching Program

I'm glad to share the report you approved on April 19, 2017, which examines potential remedies for the organization's current human resources problem.

The effectiveness of mentorship and coaching programs in fostering employee happiness and increasing retention was examined in case studies. Both mentorship and coaching programs improve employee retention and satisfaction, according to the study, but coaching performs better than mentorship. The report recommends that the use of a coaching program to nurture talent, boost employee engagements, and consequently contribute to an increase in the retention rate.

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Table Contents

Executive Summary 4

Introduction 5

Problem Statement 5

Terminology 5

Report Overview. 5

Overview of Alternatives 6

Criteria 6

Research Methods 6

Evaluation of Alternatives 7

Finding and Analysis 8

Recommendations 9

References 11

Executive Summary

Mt. Cannon Hospital is facing a crisis of poor nurse satisfaction and a high turnover rate. This is affecting attainment of organizational goals and provision of quality of care. This paper looked at the various alternatives that the organization can sue to boost nurse satisfaction and retention levels and identified nurse mentorship and nurse coaching as possible alternatives. Following a comprehensive literature review, coaching has been found to be the better option. Following the findings of this paper, there is a need for the organization in question to implement a coaching program in order to boost nurse satisfaction levels, as well as their retention.

Mt. Cannon Hospital Nurse Mentorship/Coaching Program

Mt. cannon Hospital is facing a huge human resource crisis following a high turnover rate and poor nurse satisfaction. This justification report seeks to find the best alternative for addressing this issue.

Problem Statement

Having recorded a high nurse turnover in the recent years, there is a need to have a decent employee retention and career growth program.


Nursing shortage, mentorship, coaching and career growth.

Mentorship: denotes not only reciprocal, but also collaborative learning that involves two people who both have goals, as well as shared accountability with regard to the success of the partnership (MN, 2016).

Coaching: is mainly concerned with training nurses to take leadership positions (ICN, 2016).

Nurse shortage: having a low number of nurses that cannot fully meet the demands of patients.

Career Growth: progression in one's career from low to a higher status, skill-wise, and in personality and financial terms.

Report Overview

This report aimed at solving a human resource crisis at Mt Cannon Hospital Nurse Mentorship program following a high turnover rate and poor nurse satisfaction. Two alternatives were investigated where A involved taking the mentorship as collaborative learning and B taking it as a training that is tailored towards nurses taking up leadership roles. The criteria for judging the alternatives were nurse retention, nurse and patient satisfaction, attraction of new nurses and improvement of quality care provision. The research method involved was survey through questionnaire. An evaluation of the two alternative found out that both alternatives provide sufficient ways on increasing employee job satisfaction within the hospital and thus both alternatives need to be incorporated.

Overview of Alternatives

The following alternatives have been considered.

Alternative A

Mentorship denotes not only reciprocal, but also collaborative learning that involves two people who both have goals, as well as shared accountability with regard to the success of the partnership (MN, 2016).

Alternative B

Coaching is mainly concerned with training nurses to take leadership positions (ICN, 2016). In the current healthcare system, leadership has become more important than before. A coaching program is proposed.


In order to assess the success of the alternatives recommended, the following criteria will be used.

Criterion 1: Nurse job satisfaction.

Criterion 2: Nurse retention.

Criterion 3: Attraction of new nurses.

Criterion 4: Patient satisfaction.

Criterion 5: Improvement in quality of care provision.

Research Methods

A literature survey will be conducted to assess how mentorship and coaching programs have been used before to champion employee retention and satisfaction. Survey through questionnaire is the best way to determine the rate of turnover at the company and factors that have lead to the same. This will take into account the five criteria identified above. The research help in recommending the most approach approaches to be used to mitigate the issue.

Evaluation of Alternatives

Criterion 1: nurse job satisfaction

Criterion 2: nurse retention

Criterion 3: Attraction of new nurses.

Criterion 4: Patient satisfaction.

Criterion 5: improvement in quality of care provision.

Finding and Analysis

Based on the above information, it has been identified that both alternative provide sufficient ways on increasing employee job satisfaction within the hospital. On the other hand, it has been determined that coaching can be considerably effective in achieving nurse job satisfaction as it enabled them to comprehend their duties better.

Criterion Alternative A (Mentoring programs) Alternative B (Coaching Programs)

Job Satisfaction High High

Nurse retention High High

Attraction of new nurses Moderate Low

Patient satisfaction High Moderate - Low

Improvement in quality of care provision High Moderate


There is a need to have a decent employee retention and career growth program as well if the organization has to solve this problem once and for all. Coaching represents the most effective way of advancing leadership development in organizations and its success has been tested for the past three decades and should be implemented by Mt. Cannon hospital.


Godfrey, M. M., Andersson‐Gare, B., Nelson, E. C., Nilsson, M., & Ahlstrom, G. (2014). Coaching interprofessional health care improvement teams: the coachee, the coach, and the leader perspectives. Journal of nursing management, 22(4), 452-464.

Hagen, T., (2014). How coaching helps employee retention. Retrieved 3rd May from https://trainingmag.com/how-coaching-helps-employee-retention

Latham, C. L., Hogan, M., & Ringl, K. (2008). Nurses are supporting nurses: creating a mentoring program for staff nurses to improve the workforce environment. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 32(1), 27-39.

Marquardt, M. J. (2000). Action learning and leadership. The learning organization, 7(5), 233-235

Newhouse, R. P., Hoffman, J. J., Suflita, J., & Hairston, D. P. (2007). Evaluating an innovative program to improve new nurse graduate socialization into the acute healthcare setting. Nursing administration quarterly, 31(1), 50-60.

Power, R. (2015) 3 reasons your company needs a mentoring program. Retrieved 3rd May from https://www.inc.com/rhett-power/3-important-benefits-of-starting-a-mentoring-program.html

Steckler, K., (2011). Using a coaching culture to attract new and retain talents. Retrieved 3rd May from http://www.seattlebusinessmag.com/article/use-%25E2%2580%2598coaching-culture%25E2%2580%2599-attract-and-retain-talent

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