A Good Life in College

The Concept of a Good Life

The concept of what constitutes a good life raises varying opinions among different individuals and communities. Ideally, the different views about “good” particularly in the context of life are dependent on various factors such as one’s environment and overall living conditions. Additionally, it is assumed that as an individual moves through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs of self-actualization the notion of what should make a good life changes gradually. For instance, an individual whose primary need at a particular time is security and safety would envision a good life as a peaceful, harmonious environment. Therefore, a good life is the kind of life an individual desires to live based on the satisfaction of specific human wants. According to Aristotle, a philosopher, a good life is a happy and satisfied life. Further, Aristotle notes that human virtues including personal, intellectual and interpersonal excellence are essential for an individual to achieve the satisfaction of a good life. Essentially, the idea of excellent living is dependent on the internal factors of an individual rather than the external. It is wanting to get up early in the morning, excited to face a new day, achieving to strive personal goals, engaging in compassionate deeds and having the desire to leave a good legacy. As such, a good life is not attached to material possessions.

University Life

University provides the best four years of an individual’s life. It is a special time in the student’s life, which provides immense opportunities for wholesome growth. Whether one spends time in the school sports team, class group discussion or interning off campus, the student is constantly making new connections and life-lasting memories. Unlike high school, the university provides the first opportunity for an individual to live independently. Here, one is able to make independent decisions unlike where one is told what to do. Therefore, an individual can make the best out of these experiences and create a good life in various ways.

Taking a Proactive Role in the Learning Process

To begin with, a student should take a proactive role in the learning process. The primary goal of joining an institution of higher learning is to acquire skills for career development. Therefore, to live a good life in college means attending classes, meeting assignments deadlines, and finding a discussion group. Additionally, a student should take the initiative of visiting the careers office to get all the information regarding the course chosen including its requirements and the opportunities it provides upon completion. For instance, it is essential for a student to regularly seek advice from an academic advisor to ensure he or she remains on track. Learning, however, should not be limited to the classroom. A student should make use of every opportunity. For instance, one could enroll in an online short course like digital marketing. Furthermore, college provides learners a chance to test different programs and learn from experts from diverse fields. The primary essence of taking a proactive role in one’s leaning is that it ensures that the student is actively involved in the process of learning, hence ensuring fulfillment.

Developing Relationships

Another factor that promotes a good experience in campus is developing relationships. The university accommodates people from diverse ethnicities, cultures, and region. In this regard, the university experience is not limited to classrooms and long hours in the library. A student should take advantage of the numerous diverse interactions to learn other people’s educational and cultural backgrounds and build relationships. Notably, campus years are the only time an individual gets a chance to interact with others freely. Therefore, a student should maximize the time and join a group of people with similar interests. For instance, if a student has a special interest in music, he or she should consider joining the school choir. Interacting with other people not only improves the social life of a student but also ensures that the student is enriched wholly. Consequently, the vast interactions provide a larger pool to learn from. In addition, the interactions open up a student's mind such that one is able to communicate with other people and work in teams. However, learners should be keen to ensure that there is a balance between social and academic life.

Embracing Independence

Living a good life through university can also be achieved by positively embracing the new sense of independence. As a child, parents are constantly making decisions for us. The university provides an opportunity for people to choose their path by making independent decisions. With nobody to monitor you around, a student can maximize this opportunity by engaging in responsible activities that bring happiness like a late night with friends or an early morning stroll. As much as being away from home at first may seem difficult, it also provides an opportunity for the student’s self-development. As the student moves through the years in university, reliance on parents reduces as one develops more confidence towards the society.

Planning and Time Management

The fourth step towards living a good life in the university is by planning one’s schedule and registering for the required lectures on time. Essentially, planning involves identifying the lectures, specific lecture venues for classes, and familiarizing with the school calendar. A properly planned schedule will help the student organize the events of the semester in order of priority. Similarly, registering for classes on time helps the student acquaint with the major requirements of the course selected. Additionally, proper planning will warrant that the student creates time for both academics and other social activities.

Financial Responsibility

Furthermore, a student should live within his or her budget to avoid financial constraints caused by unnecessary spending. Ideally, most students depend on student loans, grants, and financial help from parents for their survival in college. As such, a learner must be responsible with his or her money, understanding that one-day it could be there and the next it is not. Moreover, a student could take up a part-time job to help get a little more income while still studying.


Moreover, a good life in the university can be achieved through eating right, regular exercises, and sufficient rest. Taking care of one’s body is the bottom line to healthy living. A student who develops a healthy living routine feels better and is able to handle all the schoolwork. Markedly, self-care is beneficial to a student in diverse ways. For example, self-care reduces the negative effects of stress. Additionally, self-care helps a student refocus especially when they are stuck in complicated situations.

Social Support System

Likewise, creating a social support system also provides for a good life in college. Ideally, campus life provides an experience away from home. Therefore, it is vital for a student to identify a circle of trustable friends who can offer guidance when need be. Arguably, mental health problems have increasingly become prominent especially among students. As such, a student should understand that there is no shame in talking about a problem and seeking help. For example, a learner who experiences academic challenges can talk to the school's academic guidance counselor.

Internship and Extracurricular Activities

Moreover, the experience of a good life in the University can be enhanced by applying for an internship. Essentially, an internship exposes the student to the actual job market. It provides an opportunity for the student to actualize the skills learned in class, as the student is able to see the actual value of education. This serves to broaden the perspectives of one’s thinking and improve the professional portfolio of the student in the competitive job market. Further, students can maximize the available free time by applying for an exchange program at a foreign university or learning a foreign language.


In a nutshell, University provides the best experiences in an individual’s life. Thus, learners should ensure that they maximize their time in the university by engaging in activities that bring fulfillment. Arguably, college provides a wholesome experience, ensuring that an individual not only grows intellectually by acquiring skills essential for career development but also grows socially. Social growth is established through interactions with other students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Arguably, living a good life in college can be achieved by engaging in activities that bring happiness while at the same time sticking to the core goal. Therefore, a student who wishes to have a good time through the college experience should understand that living a good life entails more than early morning lectures or long hours in the library.

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