When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order

The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Worldwide Order

The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Worldwide Order raised concerns about Asian modernity and China's ascent as a global power. This book is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in globalization and the effects of China's rapid rise on the world's geopolitics and economy. According to the author, China is rapidly rising, and in the next years, it will achieve some dominant powers to confront Western nation states that have previously exercised some control. Jacques anticipated that the impact of China would not only be seen economically but also culturally (Alton 60).

Factors Contributing to China's Rise

In the book, the author presented some reasons that would see China rise around the globe to control various activities. These factors that would make Europe transit to modernity include internal intra-continental conflicts, the threat from radicalized Muslims, and cultural transformation into individualism among others (Jacques 40). China is a civilized state, and I totally agree with Jacques' point of view that it will rule the world. The inventions and the products brought to the market by China are challenging the West and giving the economy a new shape. The United States, in particular, must do something to maintain the dominance which is soon carried away by China. The work of Martin Jacques, a British journalist and academic, explains all economic doors that would be open to China if it keeps on developing at the same pace, which on the other hand will be a challenge to the Westerners. To the students, scholars, and any other person who wants to learn the future of the global world, this is the right book to read. Though written some five years ago, the content addresses what is happening now, and you can find solutions to both economic and cultural problems.

Work cited

Alton, David. “When China rules the world: The end of the western world and the birth of a new global order.” Journal of International Business Ethics 5.1 (2012): 60.

Jacques, Martin. When China rules the world: The rise of the middle kingdom and the end of the western world [Greatly updated and expanded]. Penguin UK, 2012.

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