U.A.E sustainable consumption

Efficient Use of Energy in the UAE


Efficient use of energy in the UAE is a rising problem because of population growth, increased economic activity, and a rise in potential consumption rates. A conference on sustainability was held in Abu Dhabi by the Energy Working Group (EWG) of the UK & the UAE Business Council (Per-Ola 2015, p.5). The target community were primarily UK and UAE contractors, as well as Abu Dhabi residents. The focus of the conference was on energy conservation. The main aspects of energy that were canvased touched on smart cities, attaining efficiency in the construction of buildings, and desalination of water (Al-Jayyousi 2003, p. 182).

Need for the Initiative

(Per-Ola 2015, p.1) There is a need to incorporate technology in urban planning to reduce the consumption of energy. To streamline the designs and adopt innovative technologies and materials that would optimize the use of energy in buildings. To devise sustainable means that would conserve and reduce the demand and use of water. Further, lower down the energy needed to desalinate the water and increase its supply (Consumption 2008, p.10).

Benefit of the Initiative

(Per-Ola 2015, p.1) The reduction in the overall energy consumption leads to: - Safeguard the energy reserves of the UAE. - The end-users/consumers energy bills will be reduced. - Reduces the chances of subsidy burdens being imposed on UAE government. - Aids the utilities in the management of the infrastructure constraints.

Stakeholders Involved

The main stakeholders in the sustainable use of energy initiative in the UAE would be the building contractors, oil drilling and refinery companies, the government which is responsible for policymaking, the consumers of the energy produced and other products, and the corporate world. The society stands to benefit by the coming into effect of efficient energy consumers such as hybrid cars and better reduction in the cost of electricity and other energy-related products.

Suggested Action for the Targeted Audience

(Per-Ola 2015, p.7) The target audiences were contractors and consumers of energy from the United Kingdom and Abu Dhabi. Contractors were encouraged to construct structures and buildings that minimize the use of energy as well as deploy cutting-edge technology in the planning of urban areas to reduce energy wastage. Furthermore, the consumers of the products were advised to utilize energy sustainably by ensuring that they switch the air conditioners when not in use and adopt less costly means of desalinating water (Tolba and Saab 2009, p.27).

Rationale and Summary

The reason for choosing the sustainable initiative on the consumption of energy in Abu Dhabi and the United Kingdom is that UAE is a leader in the production and export of oil in the entire world. The UK is among the world’s top economies whose energy consumption is high. Therefore, streamlining the use of energy in the UAE will ensure that there is a decline in the over-exploitation of oil, which is a non-renewable resource. The United Kingdom will appeal to its citizens and contractors to adopt clean technologies such green buildings that reduce the excessive consumption of electricity and also utilize the available with caution and sustainably (AboulNaga and Elsheshtawy 2001, p.558). Sustainable use of energy initiatives will have immense and profound environmental benefits. First, as it had been highlighted at the conference, of the urgent need to fast track the launching of high breed cars that would not be powered by fossil fuel, the environment stands to benefit because of the reduction in carbon emissions and greenhouse gases (Dincer 2000, p. 160). Clean air would also benefit the society because of the reduction in atmospheric temperatures and respiratory diseases.


AboulNaga, M. M., & Elsheshtawy, Y. H. (2001). Environmental sustainability assessment of buildings in hot climates: the case of the UAE. Renewable Energy, 24(3), 553-563. Al-Jayyousi, O.R., 2003. Greywater reuse: towards sustainable water management. Desalination, 156(1-3), pp.181-192. Consumption, P.S., 2008. Good practices in OECD countries 4-35. Dincer, I., 2000. Renewable energy and sustainable development: a crucial review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4(2), pp.157-175. Per-Ola, Karlsson., Decker C., & Maossalli. J 2015. Energy efficiency in the UAE: Aiming for sustainability. pp. 1-8. Retrieved from https:\/\/www.strategyand.pwc.com\/reports\/energy-efficiency-in-uae. Tolba, M.K. and Saab, N.W., 2009. Arab environment: Climate change. In Beirut, Arab Forum for Environment and Development. pp. 23-76.

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