the use of Betty Neuman's Systems Model

This research is based on two peer-reviewed publications that used Betty Neuman's Systems Model to emphasize the underlying insights on the model based on the common assumptions pursued by Betty Neuman's Systems Model. The insights presented are meant to provide guidelines for accommodating cultural differences and facilitating the integration of interdisciplinary groups (Alligood, 2014). The worldwide values for applying Neuman's systems model, as stated in the two peer-reviewed journals, thus play a vital role in nursing education, including practice, administration, research roles, and multidisciplinary integration for better health outcomes. The Betty Neuman's Systems Model theory was extensively used in the analysis of the two research studies and was used in the whole of the research. Both the research studies had a fundamental reference to the client system and affirmed the essence of client system uniqueness as comprising of several composite factors and attribute within a given parameter of responses contained in a basic structure (Aronowitz & Fawcett, 2016). Invariably, the Betty Neuman's Systems Model used also suggested that several of the unknown and known universal stressors existed while actually differing in their potential to cause instability among the client. Most important to the research studies was the linking of the interrelationships of various patient variables and how they cumulatively affected the level to which a client got protected by the flexible line of defense against the potential reactions to stressors. In both scenarios presented by the research studies, every client system manifested a normal range of responses to the environment in what is referred as a normal line of defense and was significant in measuring various aspects of health deviations (Aronowitz & Fawcett, 2016). Lastly, the research papers highlighted a common thematic concern that showed that clients whether enjoying a state of wellbeing or otherwise, still contributed immensely towards the composite dynamism of the interrelationships of variables with wellbeing being considered as the continuum of disposable energy needed to support system in an optimal state of stability.

Implication of the Research Study for Nursing Practice

The research studies under considerations aimed at providing a holistic approach towards the care of patients with chronic conditions and how such patients could be managed effectively within the scope of the Betty Neuman's Systems Model theory (Neuman & Fawcett, 2013). Alternatively, the research studies placed elaborate emphasis on the need for continued health education and suggested that the Betty Neuman's Systems Model theory was such an effective tool in the conceptual transition to every level of nursing education and acted as the fundamental basis for enhancing continued education even after graduation of nursing professionals to enhance professional growth.

Additionally, it becomes more apparent that the Betty Neuman's Systems Model theory as used in the research highlighted the significance of the model as the widely used framework that facilitates nursing care both for preventive and rehabilitative care. With regards to levels of prevention; primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention, it became apparent that the concept of prevention will continue to help in nursing care to attain the necessary balance within the diverse continuum of health (Neuman & Fawcett, 2013).

Is the Theory/Model One That You Would Use In Your Own Nursing Practice?

In real life application, I would prefer the Neuman Systems Model in my current nursing practice because it provides great insights in viewing the patient as an open system that responds to stressors as opposed to the patient being a health care seeker. The model delves deeper into understanding the attributes of stressors of the patient how the patient respond to the stressors in the environment (Neuman & Fawcett, 2013). Such an understanding plays a significant role in providing evidenced-based quality care since it helps nurses to understand the patient variables and how they also manifest during the processes involved in the provision of care. As the practicing nurses am also able to understand the normal lines of resistance and the corresponding lines of defenses and how they influence health seeking behaviors and outcomes. The model also provides for appropriate nursing interventions through the key prevention modalities.


The nursing practice has seen the formulation and implementation of various systems models aimed at improving patient health outcomes while guaranteeing cost for value to the patients and profitability to the various healthcare institutions that focus on the delivery of primary healthcare. The utilization of the Neuman systems model within the scope of nursing practice and subsequent research application emanates from the need to understand the uniqueness of each client’s unique system.


Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Aronowitz, T., & Fawcett, J. (2016). Thoughts About Social Issues: A Neuman Systems Model Perspective. Nursing science quarterly, 29(2), 173-176.

Neuman, B. M., & Fawcett, J. (2013). The Neuman systems model. Pearson.

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