Drug Addiction: A Critical Problem in US Communities
Drug addiction is one of the most significant problems in US communities as state and federal government struggle to control the vice. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, opioids are drugs meant for the reduction of pain and other medical conditions but are often subject to abuse upon prescription ("What is the U.S. Opioid Epidemic?"). The study recommends that instead of fighting opioid addiction, the government at the state and natural levels should focus on training pharmacists to recognize addicts and deny them the drugs.
Understanding the Use of Opioids
Primarily, the use of opioids such as methadone, morphine, Buprenorphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone starts when a patient has an issue that requires the necessary use of the drugs (McPherson). However, as the body system changes to adjust to the drug use, the individual becomes inclined to their nature while medicated with the said drugs and continues the use after cure. Pharmacists continue to provide the drugs despite the end of treatment. Therefore, while the addicts have a problem, the pharmacists are among the source and can, therefore, be the pivotal solution. Instead of channeling resources to helping people avoid addiction, the government should train nurses, health professionals and primarily pharmacists to recognize a person who genuinely needs the drugs for treatment and one that requires them for misuse.
Fighting Opioid Addiction: The Role of Pharmacists
According to the American Public Health Association, one of the ways pharmacists can help fight opioid addiction in communities is explaining to patients that some level of pain does not require management through drugs and instead is a disease with a need for total elimination (McPherson). Secondly, a pharmacist should have the capacity to assess a patient's functional status through factors such as pain in a week or day, level of enjoyment of the drug, and the general activity (McPherson). Primarily, focusing on the source of the problem that is drug administration by pharmacists can help enhance the fight for those who are already addicted in communities.
"What Is The U.S. Opioid Epidemic?" US Department of Health And Human Services, 2018, https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/about-the-epidemic/index.html. Accessed 24 Sept 2018.
McPherson, Mary Lynn. "Pharmacists Can Help Right the Ship in the Opioid Crisis". American Public Health Association, 2017, https://www.pharmacytoday.org/article/S1042-0991(17)31334-8/fulltext. Accessed 24 Sept 2018.