The role of a leader: Martin Luther King Jr.

The Impact of Leadership on Goal Attainment

The function of a leader in any organization has an impact on the ultimate attainment of goals as originally envisioned by stakeholders. There are numerous leadership theories and models that attempt to explain the qualities of diverse leaders. The transactional and transformational leadership theories are among the most influential. Understanding the two interconnected theories is especially significant when assessing the success of many leaders throughout history. Martin Luther King Jr. is the notable leader under scrutiny in this case. Besides from the transactional and transformational views, the investigation will include an examination of his use of servant leadership. “Martin Luther King Jr. is regarded as one of the most influential figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He is renowned for his place in the Afro- American protest tradition, his role in the modern black freedom struggle, and his eclectic ideas regarding nonviolent activism” (Carson, 1987). His leadership led to the ultimate success of the fight to end racial segregation in the United States. He envisioned a country in which all citizens would be afforded justice in both racial and economic terms. “His ability to transform the struggle for racial equality into a vision with understandable, concrete and actionable goals sustained and empowered the civil rights movement” (McGuire & Hutchings, 2007). Besides his firm conviction in the cause, Martin Luther King Jr. based his leadership on a strong value system that rejected the prevailing notion of symbols of success which was largely materialistic.

Transformational Leadership Characteristics

King’s role in initiating social change in the United States which is evident to date is characteristic of a transformational rather than a transactional leader. According to Weiss (2015), “a transformational leader seeks to change and engage followers and the organization by creating a compelling vision, strategy, and culture.” A good leader can inspire and influence his/ her followers through a variety of ways. The full range leadership model analyzes transformational leadership on the basis of attributes that leaders use as tools to influence their followers. The model breaks down four key characteristics as follows: “idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration” (Weiss, 2015). As such, Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership style will be analyzed on the basis of the four characteristics.

Inspirational Motivation

The first characteristic exhibited by Martin Luther King Jr., with this regard, is inspirational motivation. “This attribute is all about a leader being able to translate concepts of a vision into actionable goals that followers can identify.” A transformational leader with this attribute “identifies self- concept, social and political activism, altruism, individual values, and religion and spirituality as sources of personal meaning and providing the building blocks in allowing them to construct the vision” (Sosik, 2000). Dr. King’s vision was based on a self- concept that he was able to convey to his followers. His vision was all about the transformation of the human society where love and justice would prevail regardless of one’s race, social class, or national identity. This vision is illustrated in the classic “I Have a Dream” speech. His use of language in his messages to his followers was another tool he used to inspire and influence. His ideology gained traction throughout the United States since he was able to align his interpretative orientation with the interests and beliefs of his followers.

Intellectual Stimulation

Intellectual stimulation involves practices such as “brainstorming, challenging beliefs and norms of the group to innovate and be creative, promoting critical thinking, and problem-solving” (Weiss, 2015). As such, the leader can form a connection between their vision and the challenges being experienced by their followers on a personal level. Dr. King stimulated his followers by educating them not only about freedom and class privilege but also risks and challenges in their journey towards the vision. The third characteristic, individualized consideration, is concerned with the leader offering attention and concern to followers. This could be achieved by “offering mentoring, listening to their concerns, showing empathy to the demoralized, providing counseling and emotional support, providing stimulation, and creating possibilities like higher level assignments for talented followers” (Weiss, 2015) Martin Luther King Jr. had daily access to his followers through his involvement in the church and other community activities. He understood his followers and what they felt about the status quo and was, therefore, able to generate trust which is important when it comes to working towards a vision. The fourth characteristic, idealized influence, “is based on the leader’s personality, character, and behaviors, which followers wish to emulate” (Weiss, 2015). “Dr. King’s commitment and self- sacrifice made him a role model to many African Americans.” Using his personality, he was able to draw many followers from across the globe.

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is a leadership style whose focus is on the well- being of people and the immediate community rather than accumulating power. Dr. King is a perfect illustration of servant leadership in play. He served as an example to his followers, empowered them, and showed dedication to the cause which are characteristics of a servant leader. “He lived the vision and provided a model for everyone in the civil rights movement” (McGuire & Hutchings, 2007). He paid the ultimate price for his commitment to the cause when he was assassinated in 1968. Dr. King’s contributions to the human society have had a lasting legacy as is illustrated by the honoring of his work with a national holiday in the United States.


Carson, C. (1987). Martin Luther King Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle. The Journal of American History, 74(2), 448- 454.

McGuire, D., & Hutchings, K. (2007). Portrait of a Transformational Leader: The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 28(2), 154- 166.

Sosik, J.J. (2000). The role of personal meaning in charismatic leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2), 60- 74.

Weiss, J.W. (2015). An Introduction to Leadership. 2nd ed. Bridgepoint Education.

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