The Rich Kids of Instagram

The Rich of Instagram are the kids who live very attractive and uproarious type of life exposing their exciting lives with a lot of extravagantness and unregretful kind of life. They brag about it and posted their lifestyles in social media. Notably, the majority of people use the internet to expose their personal life, wealth and their lifestyles without knowing the risk associated with this exposure on social media. Exposing one’s life on the internet compromises their privacy resulting in various crimes such as kidnapping and criticism which might result in depression and suicide.

Nonetheless, rich kids send revolting messages to their peers and criticize society by showing off their expensive cars, clothes, and holiday trips. Additionally, the rich kids of Instagram post pictures where they are seen doing drugs and getting involved in sexual activities portraying a lousy picture to the society. As a result, these kids act as a reference group to the majority of youth as most of them try to copy their lifestyles yet they do not have enough resources for the luxurious lives bringing social injustices. This reflects the notion of Groupthink as most of them try to be equal as the rich kids. Additionally, young people viewing their posts see themselves as they are not worth to live as they see the rich kids lives.

Lastly, the rich kids are targeting primary groups as most of their friends are those who hang out with them daily. Most of the people who are friends are those who can meet and keep them company. However, the rich kids’ life is hazardous to the youth in the society as most of their lives involve risk actions and behaviors that could lead to serious problems for those copying them.

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