The professional education in nursing education

Professional education in nursing education

Professional education in nursing education is a critical pillar for the development of health-care systems. Nursing students require skills, information, and attitudes that are thought to assist them improve the quality of patient care that is much needed in the health sector and ensuring that nursing graduates effectively practice their profession within a complex and dynamic nursing environment (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). To achieve these goals, rigorous adherence to Nursing's Elements of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practices (EBEPNP) and Essentials of Master's Educational in Nursing (EMEN), which are widely accepted in professional nursing practices in the United States, is required (U.S). The two frameworks are critical in professional role development in different nursing educational levels.

Diploma nursing education

Diploma nursing education provided me with a wide range of skills and knowledge to promote health, assist patients to overcome their illness and to prevent diseases. In college, I learned how to obtain histories of the patients accurately and skillfully focused their examination (Kelcíkova et al., 2012). Further, I acquired the skills of managing patient care plans while learning how to care for diverse patients and developing of appropriate differential diagnoses. As a nursing student, I was also taught how to perform and interpret laboratory results accurately to make critical health care decisions (Davis and Kimble, 2011). Currently, in my practice as diploma prepared Registered Nurse (RN), I provide direct patient care, carry out the observation, assessment, and recording of the symptoms, reactions and the recovery progress of the patients. Further, I usually collaborate with other health practitioners such as physicians in the examination, treatments and the administration of medicine to patients. Moreover, I sometimes offer rehabilitation and convalescence services to patients.

Expectations in professional nursing practice

There is much need for my practice as a nurse to match the expectations of the EBEPNP guidelines. I would intend to use information technology in assessing and recording of the patient record and applying technology to improve quality delivery of services to patients (Davis and Kimble, 2011). Further, I would prevent diseases outbreaks to promote a healthy population and advocate for healthy practices among the patients, families, and communities (Mtshali, 2009). I would also ensure that improvement of health care and safety of patients is promoted and providing effective leadership skills and knowledge (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Moreover, I would strengthen my interpersonal relationship through constant communication with other health practitioners in the working environment to foster collaboration that is necessary for delivery of quality patient care.

Importance in master's education

The expectations outlined in EMEN framework might have a significant impact in my future roles after undertaking master degree program in the nursing course. I would be able to compare and contrast various models to come up with the appropriate one that can enhance appropriate quality improvement of patient care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Further, as a master graduate, I would be able to promote professional teamwork and recognize the contribution of other individuals to ensure that critical health care outcomes are achieved across the entire organization (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Moreover, I would support patients and families, conducting peer reviews and report any clinical errors to ensure that professional environment is promoted consistently (Kelcíkova et al., 2012). To improve safety, quality health and to minimize fragmentation patient care, the skills and knowledge I acquired in postgraduate education would enable me to establish systems that might achieve integration of patient care.


Nursing Education significantly depends on EBEPNP and EMEN as crucial tools for enhancement of right professional practices. Basic nursing education equipped me with essential professional skills and Knowledge which helped to my daily professional practices in the field of nursing. I believed that as a master’s qualified nurse I would advance my expertise in the profession and have a significant influence on ensuring that safety and quality provision of patient care is achieved efficiently. I think that promoting nursing professional development through education is an essential ingredient in the improvement of quality delivery of health care to patients. Therefore, nursing education is the key to excellence in health care provision.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2013). the essentials of master’s education in nursing. 2011. Retrieved from:

Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., & Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing outlook, 55(3), 122-131.

Davis, A. H., & Kimble, L. P. (2011). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Journal of Nursing Education, 50(11), 605.

Kelcíkova, S., Skodova, Z., & Straka, S. (2012). Effectiveness of hand hygiene education in a basic nursing school curricula. Public Health Nursing, 29(2), 152-159.

Mtshali, N. G. (2009). Implementing community-based education in basic nursing education programs in South Africa. Curationis, 32(1), 25-32.

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