The Mathew Shepard Story

Referred by the title ‘The Mathew Shepherd’, the movie is a Canadian-American film produced in 2002 and directed by Spottiswoode Roger. The movie was acted based on a true story of a young adult who was gay and murdered in 1998. The death of the openly declared gay Mathew Shepard attracted local and global reaction as it was as a result of hate crime from the senseless violence scenario, an incident that somewhat changed the world (Lynch, 2007). The movie can be regarded as a documentary as well as a particular interest.

Drawing from the movie plot, the year is 1998 when a young man by the name Shepard Matthew was beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead. Despite police finding, rescuing and taking to the hospital, he succumbs to the incurred injuries. The film focuses on the events that unfold after the conviction of men who were responsible for this act of hate-driven murder. Despite the victims (Matthew’s) parent being contented with the court decision, they have a difficult time during the sentencing time of the accused men (The Matthew Shepard Story, 2018). At first, the parent’s feels more like the death penalty for the murders would serve them right, but Mathew’s mother starts to recount.

However, the option to forgive the killers proved a difficult decision for Matthew’s parents. And as they struggled with the decision to reconsider their earlier decision for death to the killers, they as well take the chance to re-look at the life of their son. This helps the parent to re-evaluate the life of Mathew, how he struggled to discover his personality as well as to accept his sexual identity as part of him being a unique human, not forgetting the young man’s sense of humanity to all. After closer review and rethinking of their son’s life and personality aspects, the parents agree to appeal to the court on the grounds of what would have been the needs of their sons, which is not vengeance, but somewhat understanding and peace despite the tragedy and the loss involved.

Drawing from the movie, there is a sound revelation of the crimes against the minority as is the case of Mathew, an incident that brought along multilayered and poignant sociological and biographical portrait. The movie also brings along the spirit of forgiveness portraying a powerful final act from the Matthew parents. On the other hand, the movie can be regarding provide a turning point regarding raising awareness among the American community about hate crimes and discrimination against the LGBT community. Concerning the film, there is a message as to when the society will live in peace regardless of an individual’s gender expressions and sexual orientation (Savin-Williams, 1999). The movie remains relevant today as it helps not only in commemorating the life of Shepard Matthew but also learn from it. The film brings forth the themes of empathy and social justice. Additionally, it is also essential to develop and implement LGBT inclusive curriculum in schools while at the same time achieving writing and reading standards. Finally, there is need to give support to the LGBT identified students in schools and society at large.

The movie was received positively winning some awards. Produced by George Clara, and starred by Shane Meier, Stockard Channing and Sam Waterston among others, have managed to bring the best regarding documenting the life and tragedy that claimed the life of Shepard. It is a movie I can recommend for sociology related course students.


Lynch, J. (2007). Memory and Matthew Shepard. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 31(3), 222-238.

The Matthew Shepard Story. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 5 April 2018, from

Savin-Williams, R. C. (1999, September). Matthew Shepard's Death: A Professional Awakening. Applied Developmental Science. p. 150.

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