The Importance of Libraries

“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” (Borges) Throughout our lives we have been to so many amazing places. Some have captured our hearts due to their mighty rivers or streams, some are enriched with eye catching green fields, some are gifted with high mountains and valleys and some have amused us with beautifully colored flower beds. I consider that place beautiful which nourishes my soul and provokes my imagination. So for me the place which feels like heaven incarnated is library.

Libraries are very important in many aspects. They provide their readers not only books on different topics but also with a peaceful environment. Moreover, they are great source of free knowledge for the people who can’t afford books. The different programs run by libraries for people of different ages make them more useful tool for the students and community.

I am a regular member of my college and community library. Library has always been a source of inspiration for me since childhood. I always liked being there surrounded by books. I search for the books like people try to find out pearls from sea depths. This much precious a book of my choice is to me. My interest in books vary from science fiction to mystery and suspense stories. Books based on fantasy attracts me a lot as they trigger unlimited imagination. Life is full of realistic things which sometimes feel monotonous and limited. So I never mind a little escape from reality and fly in the world of fantasy which is no doubt a beautiful feeling. I go with my characters and enjoy everything which they go through during their adventures. Such stories make you believe in power of dreams as everything is fantasy before it turned into reality through hard work and determination.

The detective nature of suspense and mystery books make you as smart as your character and you try to figure out things throughout your reading process. Sometimes your guess is correct and sometimes the twisting of plot is beyond your imagination. I love the surprise and butterflies I feel in my stomach while reading such books. Sometimes it gives you goosebumps. I enjoy all the reactions because finally it’s worth it. Science fiction stories have their own impact.  People usually call them superficial but I like them as it makes you think scientifically. There may be some exaggeration but it opens your towards future possibilities in the advancement of science. It strengthens your logical and critical thinking.

Libraries have always given me a sense of peace and relaxation. Whenever I enter any library the tranquility in the environment soothes my heart and soul. Sometimes you need a break from your daily life activities and all the noise around you. For that purpose libraries are good place for hanging out and to meet your most loyal friends there that are books. As Hemingway said: “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”  

I usually take books of my own choice but sometimes librarians there also have good suggestions for me. They help me in finding the required books and guide me towards area which is containing books of my interest. The best thing about library is that you are surrounded with like-minded people. You all have at least one thing in common and that is you all love books. I enjoy seeing vast majority of multicultural people in the libraries. I always observe them and try to learn about their attitudes, dress codes and behaviors. This diversity which is seen in the library is beautiful.

The best memory which is related to library is one friend which I met there. We are searching for same book and finally found it. While moving through racks I saw the same book in her hands and gave her smile. She smiled back as she realized that we are holding same books and of course they are not related to course work. We have a little chit chat with each other but then we have to stop speaking as librarian was staring at us. Of course you have to be quiet in library. From there our friendship started and now she is one of my best friend.

I have always admired the peaceful environment of libraries. Some people think that introverts like such places and library cannot be considered as the special place for extroverts. But I think this assumption is wrong. Everyone needs a break from their routine and to treat themselves with calmness which library provides. It may happen that the choice of books would be different and time spent in the library varies but it could not be avoidable place for most people.

I believe that library would always be favorite place for me and it never stops feeling like paradise. The excitement which I feel whenever I think about going to library and collecting books of my own choice is endless. It will always be special for me as it contains my most special friends that are books.


Works Cited

Borges, Jorge L. “Jorge Luis Borges Quotes”. Brainy Quotes, 2018, Accessed 25 March. 2018.

Hemingway, Ernst. “Ernest Hemingway Quotes”. Brainy Quotes, 2018, Accessed 25 March. 2018.

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