The Importance of Effective Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

Places of work should have a smooth environment that allows for free interaction between employees. The latter can be achieved through effective interpersonal communication, which entails exchange of information in the organizations. The technique can either be verbally or verbally depending on the intended message. Therefore, the workers should be capable of communicating in a proper manner and deliver appropriate information. The valuable interaction would create a better environment for work, which would, in turn, increase the productivity of the organization. Besides, the process allows for improvement of efficiency that eliminates confusion that may occur while undertaking the activities of a firm. In places where there are improper interpersonal skills, time wastage is rampant and the productivity is reduced. Therefore, managers of organizations should strive to create better working environments within the firms through improvement interpersonal communication techniques between the employees.

Elimination of Misunderstandings

Effective communication allows for the elimination of misunderstandings that may exist between persons. Therefore, the sender and the receiver of the message should understand one another and use appropriate means of interaction (Wood, 2015). The receiver should be able to decipher the message sent to him or her. Appropriate feedback can also be provided to allow for continuous understanding of one another; thus, the sender confirms that the message was understood. The interactions at the workplace should not be abusive and offensive and guidelines should be imposed to direct workers on the rules that must be followed while communicating.

Increase in Profitability

In addition, efficient interpersonal communication within the firms is important in increasing profitability. The workers would have an agreement on how to handle various tasks; thus, enhancing productivity. Besides, employees who interact freely can be satisfied by the activities they handle making them to be satisfied. The cases of turnover rates and absenteeism can also be reduced since the workers would have high morale in the duties given to them (Wood, 2015). Therefore, it results into success of the organizations in the long run.

Recognizing Individual Differences

Individual differences should also be noted while communicating within the work place. Individuals should hold high level of respect to one another regardless of their status. For instance, Wood (2015) states that cultural difference; gender, race, and other factors should be recognized without bias. While communicating, confidence and trust must also be demonstrated to foster for positive relationships. Besides, every person must strive to eliminate the communication barriers, which might hinder the need to pass relevant information. Therefore, the workers should be able to get along with one another for better working condition to be created.

Clarity and Relevance in Communication

Communication can be positive or negative, regardless of the means used to relay the information. It is prudent for the communicators to consider the environment and interact in a manner that can be interpreted and perceived efficiently. Wood (2015) maintains that when engaging in verbal communication, an individual should ensure that there is clarity in the information presented to avoid confusion. The latter would eliminate misunderstandings that might interfere with the programs of activities in the workplace. Moreover, one should not communicate for the sake bur rather delivers the conversation when it is necessary to do so.

Non-confrontational Feedback

In addition, workplace requires combined effort towards achieving solutions to problems. A worker should be able to use non-confrontational feedback while communicating. In essence, one should ensure that the tone used is accommodative and can foster unity of purpose within an organization. Besides, accuracy should be looked into before delivering a message; thus, it would assist in eliminating possibility of errors. For instance, when an individual is delivering a message through email, the content should be reviewed to check any miscommunication and error in grammar. The information should also serve the intended purpose and have the subject of discussion. Meaning, the message should not deviate from the confines of the activities carried out within the firm. Politeness, conciseness, and use of points that are valid are essential tools that ensure that proper relationship is developed in places of work.

Privacy and Professionalism

Privacy is also a concern in the firms as it would prevent external intruders from interfering with the internal operations. According to Wood (2015), every worker has the mandate of ensuring that the privacy policies are maintained and no information is leaked. For example, when an individual is communicating through email or any other means, he or she should not cc anyone that is not part of the activities carried out. Therefore, caution must be taken on the choice of media used while relaying confidential information. The latter would aid in prevention of rival companies from achieving a competitive edge over the firm. The level of professionalism should also be high. As such, all information passed should meet the professional standards set. The message should be presented in a simple manner that allows other individuals to understand it easily. Long and rambling phrases should be avoided besides elimination of repetitive statements. In the regard of professional communication, there should be no offensive languages that are discriminatory against gender, race or any other perceived difference.

Building Relations with Customers

Proper relations with customers are also an important factor to be considered while ensuring better interpersonal communication within a workplace. Since they provide the opportunity for the growth of the firm, they should be valued. The latter should be shown by the application of polite and a combination of verbal and non verbal communication strategies in an appropriate manner. Customers should be given the right information regarding the products offered to him or her without engagement in miscommunication. The body language should also be friendly to encourage the customers to prefer the services in future. The customer care individuals should be able to communicate clearly and provide the accurate data needed. Besides, a person should not be judgmental in terms of the dressing and posture of the customer. One should respect the feelings of the clients and use appropriate words while communicating (Wood, 2015). Interest of the customers should also be given a priority to enable a good rapport and trust is built. Therefore, better interpersonal communication skills allows for increased performance of organizations as more clients would be attracted.

In Conclusion

In summary, the success of organizations is dependent on the use of proper interpersonal communication skills. The workers must be able to interact freely to have a collaboration that steers the activities of the firm. The managers should also set professional standards to be followed and guide the employees on the ways of improving ways of relaying information. The latter should take into consideration the privacy policies of the firm. Besides, customers form important facet of the organization and should be addressed with respect. Therefore, the communication strategies should have better consideration of the needs of the customers without using offensive words.


Wood, J. T. (2015). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Nelson Education.

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