The Impact of Teamwork on Presentation

Tackling the notonthehighstreet project

Tackling the notonthehighstreet project has to be one of the most challenging tasks that I have undertaken in a group; throughout the Semester. Notonthehighstreet is a venture that is famed for unique and thoughtful gifts ranging from; personalized gifts, Baby gifts, festival gifts, as well as couple gifts. The following reflection intends to highlight on my perception towards the group project, as well as the impact of the project on my individual capabilities. By analyzing the project from a Gibb's cycle perspective; I will be able to describe the presentation event, state my feelings concerning the project (negative), provide an evaluation and analysis of the event (lack of teamwork); as well as conclude what I learned from the project (working with people whom you only synchronize); an aspect that will enable me develop an action plan for future projects. I the given task, our team was delegated with the mandate of researching and presenting about notonthehighstreet SWOT analysis. A reflection of the event proves that teamwork without proper coordination and member participation could manifest as an imminent disaster.

Before the Presentation

The notonthehighstreet project commenced of on a lighter note with members categorizing themselves according to their respective teams. I must admit that on the first day, and in the few subsequent meetings that were held during the month; all of the group members made an effort to attend the meetings. Although at the time; the semester was still fresh; I was amazed by the manner of professionalism each student handled their participation in the group's project. When breaking down the roles that each member was expected to fulfill; I must admit that Belbin's theory best explains the process; given that most of the vocal members of often proposed the ideal approaches for identifying solutions ended up becoming the team's leaders and coordinators; an aspect Belbin's theory identifies them as shapers. I being a passive member who consistently encourages team participation and cooperation would rank as a team worker; an aspect that is based on Belbin's Team Roles. Interestingly; most of the team members I could assert we either shapers, team workers, or implementers as they either compelled us to improve, agitated for cooperation, or focused on turning the group's ideas into action.

When focusing on research; the Implementers were handed out the most demanding tasks to execute; while the team members were awarded supportive roles. The shapers were mandated with the responsibility of assessing the mini-teams and ensuring each individual played an active role in the research process. Individually, I have always been skeptical of participating in groups; however, I coerced myself to play the role of a team player in a bid to encourage cooperation; a position I hoped would have aided us to achieve more than what we had perceived. As the project intensified, it is unfortunate to note that team meetings were rarely executed primarily as each individual opted to carry out the tasks independently; an aspect that echoed a breakdown in the team's function. Unfortunately; when compiling research, each member prepared his or her research independently and we only met to compile the research and rehearse for the project collectively.

During the presentation

When presenting the project my individual participation was dull especially as I felt overwhelmed with the fact that we were working in groups, Additionally; given that we did not see each other often; I was disturbed that some of my team members might come well prepared than others on the presentation day. I was however relieved that we rehearsed for the project collectively. I must admit that during the presentation process; I was not confident as I am used to in the physical sense; given that the project was being recorded an aspect that made it stressful for me. Generally; the content was descriptive in nature' as we were working on information that already existed on the internet; hence I was able to manage my fright by adequately rehearsing for the presentation in my personal space; as well as cramming what I couldn't learn at the moment. During the presentation, I avoided marinating an eye contact with the audience; opting to focus on posture, and visuals as well as my language rendition, and grammar utterance. Cumulatively; I must admit that the visuals played a significant role in masking my limitations; an aspect that made the presentation meet the standards laid down by a majority of the students.

In conclusion

In conclusion, when summarizing the reflection, it is evident that teamwork and presentation play a crucial role in determining a project's success. Interestingly, in my future project, I will endeavor to work with a favorable and inclusive tea, one that will trigger me to become more active in team projects.

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